What’s featured in this episode?
Quotes from this episode:
Reading and resources:
Lord Baker Digital Revolution Report
TechLondonAdvs. ‘Women in Tech’ community
Next Time:
Mark Anderson a.k.a ICT Evangelist
Mark is an influential award-winning blogger, author and speaker. Recently recognised in this research as the most influential person in Edtech in Europe and then here as the second most influential blogger in the UK. His blog also won the Education Blog of the Year 2015 in the UK Blog Awards 2015 and second in the Education section of the Vuelio Blog Awards 2015.
Advertising on The Edtech Podcast
If you want to advertise on The Edtech Podcast please contact me (Sophie) at theedtechpodcast@gmail.com.
Thank You’s
Thank you to the many supporters of The Edtech Podcast, including but not limited to, NAACE, ALT_Learning, WomenEd, #LTHEChat, BESA, EdtechXGlobal, GSV ASU.
What does Brexit mean for Edtech?
If you are an Edtech service provider: ultimately until article 50 is invoked the UK trading position with Europe remains the same as does our trading position with the rest of the world so whether you are in the UK or in the rest of the world, don’t expect a huge amount to change in the short-term - apart from general wide spread confusion and a fluctuating currency backdrop.
If you use Edtech services: students will continue to learn and educators will experience the same age-old challenges. There may be increased pressure on service value/available budgets, with potentially more students looking to focus attention on learning which ends in employment.
In this mini-podcast, however, I offer a few impromptu thoughts and questions for those implicated.
1. London’s place in the Edtech Scene
2. Exacerbated Skills Gap
3. Edtech increased import to connect diverse young people to opportunity & enhance tolerance - or - are we all city-bound elitists??
It will be essential that the focus now is on how to rebuild in the most positive way possible and The Edtech Podcast welcomes all international listeners to tweet on this subject to @podcastedtech.
Go Enrol Survey Results on Schools and Brexit: https://goenrol.wordpres
What’s featured in this episode?
Coding, Programming, D&T, Raspberry Pi, SonicPi, LEDs, Makers, Makermovement, IoT, InternetofThings, Python, RaspberryJam, 3Dprinting, Bettchat, Kickstarter, Crowdfunding, Hustle, Startups, Entrepreneurs, DIY, STEAM, STEM, Edtech, UKedchat, Bettchat, SLTchat
Reading and resources:
What’s featured in this episode?
UX, Times Higher Education, Students, University, Higher Education, Library, Learning Spaces, Academia, Academics, Google Scholar, LTHEchat, ALT, Peer-review, VLE, Virtual Learning Environments, Start-ups, Content Publishing, Ethnography
Reading and resources:
What’s featured in this episode?
UKedchat, SLTchat, LTEHEchat, PodcastEdu, Podchat, Urbanteachers, Diversity, Computer Science, ICT, Microsoft, Techcity, upskilling, VLE, virtual learning environment, vlogs, youtube, innovation, TLA, coding, Code Academy, Mentoring, digital business academy, startups, prezi, bbc: microbit, IOT, gamification, pedagogy, SxSw Edu, higher education, google classroom, microsoft 365, show my homework, mastery, #GoogleEdu #GAFE #MIEExpert, Dalston
Reading and resources:
What’s featured in this episode?
MFL, Langchat, Modern Foreign Languages, ELT, English Language Teaching, Edtech, UKedchat, SLTchat, LTEhe, PodcastEdu, Podchat, MFLTwitterati
Reading and resources:
Joe Dale resources:
Feedly (Joe’s preferred replacement when Google Reader was shut down )
Recommended Education Podcasts/contacts:
EDUtalk David Noble (@parslad) & John Johnston (@johnjohnston) ; http://www.edutalk.info/show/
Andy White, Brighton -podcasting help
Claire Chalcraft @CMCinSwitz
MFL Events:
Language World: @ALL4language
National Languages Conference in Australia AFMLTA
IATEFL conference @iatefl
NZALT - new zealand @_NZALT
ACTFL - USA @actfl
Language Practice:
Duolingo - (ps. you the ‘shit duo lingo says’ twitter account is fairly amusing/philisophical @shitduosays)
ELT Jam @jo_Sayers
App Smashing:
SAMR model by Dr. Ruben Puentedura (34:37)
Primary French Project
Association for Language Learning
Catherine Cheater
French Institute
Network for Languages
What’s featured in this episode?
From Howdo:
From Crehana:
Reading and resources:
What’s featured in this episode?
Thank you to supporters:
This weeks episode is brought to you by Classlist and EdtechEurope
Reading and resources:
What’s featured in this episode?
Coding, Computing, Pyonkee, Scratch, Collaboration, STEM, Hackathon, CoderDojo, Year3, Animation, Minecraft, Codeclub
On coding as career-enhancing: ‘it is a skill set which has really benefited me.’ ‘It’s self taught. I knew it was coming. You are looking to it to develop your knowledge.’
On the role of computer co-ordinator: ‘my role is to help teachers build up their confidence in teaching.’ ‘It’s still very new - i want to learn more’ ‘I have to as a practitioner open their eyes to see the application of computing in the real world’
On coding: ‘Key stage two use Pyonkee; key stage three use Scratch Junior.’
On students being engaged in computing: ‘One of the reasons why coding is so fun, is the fact that kids WANT to do it. They want to compute, create their own games, their own characters.’ ‘That kind of enthusiasm - it makes it easy to teach it!'
On collaborating: ‘’It's a case of sharing practice, and learning from mistakes.’
On Minecraft: ‘Minecraft - for better or worse they are involved in Minecraft. It’s one of those fads at the moment, I’m waiting for it to die down, but it’s something which has helped them. It has it’s benefits!’
On CodeClub: ‘Both genders are really into code club which is good, really good.’
On aspirations to bring robotics into the school: ‘I can imagine the kids going WHOA - coding and robots!’
On Barclays coder-dojo: ‘i get to see how corporations are hoping children learn how to code. Seeing them get support and making things - it’s really good.’ 'They had bowls of sweets which kept them really hyperactive.’
On Local Authority training sessions: ‘I really hope that that continues not just for lead teachers but for other staff as well.'
Reading and resources:
What’s featured in this episode?
STEM, STEAM, Computing, Design, Islamic Art, V&A East, Inset days, CPD, Teachers resources, wearable technologies, coding, processing, arts, design technology, 21st Century, East London, NASA, new material technology, UX, iterative design, elegance
On V&A East: ‘What we don’t want to do is just parachute in this giant spaceship of a museum’ ‘It is a chance for the new V&A to create a museum that fits the 21st century.’
On East London: ‘East London is where a lot of the interesting creative activity is happening.’
On collaborating with schools in East London: ‘We are doing research with the local community, with schools, to start building those relationships now.’
On the curriculum: ‘We look at Maths through Islamic Art and Architecture. We look at computing, but always through the lens of art and design.’ ‘We can chip into the computing curriculum nicely through our collection of computing art…we’ve been collecting since the 1960s.’
Promoting the arts: ‘One of the challenges that we always have is really making sure that arts sticks in the curriculum and it isn’t excluded by the STEM concentration that is happening..’
Challenges for schools: ‘for schools and colleges it can be really difficult to take a class out and to arrange cover and to convince heads
Reading and resources:
Alex Flowers
V and A East
Victoria and Albert Teachers’ Resources
V and A Islamic Art and Maths Resources
Vogue Hackney Wick Centre of Cultural Universe quote
Processing - a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts