20% discount on KANO with code EDTECHPODCAST until end October 2016 via https://kano.me/ or education@kano.me
Schools can sign up for Kano Explorer workshops held on Thursday afternoons at Kano HQ
Kano create cross curricula lesson plans and content for teachers. More info at education@kano.me
What's in this episode?
Full length rough cut interview with Sam Patterson, Puppet Master & Makerspace Coordinator, Echo Horizon School, San Francisco
We talk about the cross over between humanities and computing, engaging students in creative activities and questions, using puppets as avatars to open up teaching and learning opportunities, and the promise of voice recorded feedback as an alternative to the marking slog. This is the full length Sam Patterson episode, following on from the #30 KANO takeover which you can listen in to here: http://theedtechpodcast.libsyn.com/30-kano-takeover-creative-computing-in-schools-maker-spaces-and-libraries
References and Shout-Outs:
Sam Patterson @SamPatue #PATUE
Echo Horizon School: http://www.echohorizon.org/
John Dewey: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dewey
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/newspoet67
Google Docs https://twitter.com/googledocs #GoogleEdu
Raspberry Pi https://twitter.com/Raspberry_Pi
Python https://twitter.com/ThePSF
Kaizena https://twitter.com/KaizenaHQ
Teachercast https://twitter.com/TeacherCast
Josh Burker https://twitter.com/joshburker
Matt Buchanan https://twitter.com/OrangeSliceEDU
Check out Kano's Kickstarter video for their new kits
This is how you can make your own Kano Camera:
Sample quotes:
Interview with Sam Patterson, Puppet Master & Makerspace Coordinator, Echo Horizon School, San Francisco
‘I came to maker space teaching through English. I call myself a recovering English teacher.’
‘Kids will enthusiastically respond to things they are actually interested and as the maker space teacher i can get them interested in things.’
‘If you want to figure out how to do that difficult thing you’re going to need to READ the instructions.’
‘Everything we are doing in that space essential hinges on the central literacy activities of reading and writing.’
‘The more tech that becomes available the more opportunity that teachers have to create choice.’
‘I’ve got one puppet who has 3 legs in his chest. his name is notorious LED. I’m always looking for more ideas.'
‘the human voice carries a lot of information; giving students feedback is an emotionally charged situation’
'then i started telling people it meant puppets and technology usually excellent!'
‘i wonder if i can make puppets’? ‘the kids were like why are you making all these puppets.’?
Have a good week!
Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast Weekly: http://eepurl.com/cgjMkX #EDTECHPOD
Welcome to Bett as the latest Media Partner of The Edtech Podcast: http://www.bettshow.com
Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit www.innovatemyschool.com to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles
Visit www.ukeduweekly.com to review the latest news and articles
Visit www.edtechnology.co.uk to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast
Visit http://www.besa.org.uk/ for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.
Visit https://www.naace.co.uk for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.
EdTechX Asia: Register now for the event on the 8-9 November!
Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more: http://www.bettshow.com/ For more information contact laura.conboy@i2ieventsgroup.com
20% discount on KANO with code EDTECHPODCAST until end October 2016 via https://kano.me/ or education@kano.me
Schools can sign up for Kano Explorer workshops held on Thursday afternoons at Kano HQ
Kano create cross curricula lesson plans and content for teachers. More info at education@kano.me
What's in this episode?
Interview with Joanna Bersin, Head of Education, KANO (5:46 > 19:20)
Interview with Sam Patterson, Puppet Master & Makerspace Coordinator, Echo Horizon School, San Francisco (19:30 > 25:00)
Interview with Michael Luetjen, Computer Sci. & EdTech Lead Learner, Pine Crest School, Florida (25:00 > 34:30)
Interview with Cory Roush, Literacy Specialist at Muskingum County Library System, Ohio (34:33 > 42:00)
Student engagement and learning
Empowering students and improving learner confidence
How can teachers be best supported to deliver coding and cross-curricular programmes?
Setting up maker space environments and supporting collaborative student work
How to connect with the KANO education team for free resources, Google hangouts, and after-school clubs
What is KANO code?
KANO’s involvement in the Connect Home initiative
Check out the full individual episodes available on The Edtech Podcast for recommended reads and educator career stories
Check out Kano's Kickstarter video for their new kits
This is how you can make your own Kano Camera:
Sample quotes:
Interview with Joanna Bersin, Head of Education, KANO (5:46 > 19:20)
‘It’s the creative computing company’
‘The first interaction with all of our products is building them yourselves and getting that sense of empowerment.’
‘I really saw the power of that blend between face to face interaction and online.’
(What drew you to Kano?) ‘The things that engaged young people’ ‘I was an early fan from the first Kickstarter’
Interview with Sam Patterson, Puppet Master & Makerspace Coordinator, Echo Horizon School, San Francisco (19:30 > 25:00)
‘I came to maker space teaching through English. I call myself a recovering English teacher.’
‘Kids will enthusiastically respond to things they are actually interested and as the maker space teacher i can get them interested in things.’
‘If you want to figure out how to do that difficult thing you’re going to need to READ the instructions.’
‘Everything we are doing in that space essential hinges on the central literacy activities of reading and writing.’
‘The more tech that becomes available the more opportunity that teachers have to create choice.’
Interview with Michael Luetjen, Computer Sci. & EdTech Lead Learner, Pine Crest School, Florida (25:00 > 34:30)
‘Pinecrest is absolutely at the forefront of curriculum engagement with the technologies.’
‘When they first went out I got myself a kit and it was like nothing i had ever seen before.’
‘Many people my age that’s what we grew up with…the beige machines.’
‘Computer science is really just the study of logic.’
Interview with Cory Roush, Literacy Specialist at Muskingum County Library System, Ohio (34:33 > 42:00)
‘Libraries are trying to figure out, so what is our role?’
‘In a society where we are very much focused on standardised testing…I really do find that the most beneficial learning is the type that you seek out for yourself.’
‘The figurehead for the workshop became Ada Lovelace.’
‘The instruction manual is a work of ART.’
Kano @TeamKano https://kano.me/ education@kano.me
Check out Kano's Kickstarter video for their new kits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAlsEZEcSis
This is how you can make your own Kano Camera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY4ttOVxmKk
Joanna Bersin @JoannaBersin
Connect Home initiative: http://blog.kano.me/back-to-school-with-kano/
Kano World: https://world.kano.me/
Sam Patterson @SamPatue #PATUE
Echo Horizon School: http://www.echohorizon.org/
John Dewey: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dewey
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/newspoet67
Google Docs https://twitter.com/googledocs #GoogleEdu
Raspberry Pi https://twitter.com/Raspberry_Pi
Python https://twitter.com/ThePSF
Kaizena https://twitter.com/KaizenaHQ
Teachercast https://twitter.com/TeacherCast
Josh Burker https://twitter.com/joshburker
Matt Buchanan https://twitter.com/OrangeSliceEDU
Michael Luetjen https://twitter.com/Criticalclick
Pine Crest School: https://twitter.com/PineCrestSch
Linux: https://twitter.com/Linux
Python https://twitter.com/ThePSF
Java Script: https://twitter.com/JavaScriptDaily
Coffee Script: https://twitter.com/CoffeeScript
BASIC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASIC
Dana Markham: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dana-markham-010a9045
Minecraft: https://twitter.com/Minecraft
ISTE: https://twitter.com/isteconnects
FETC: https://twitter.com/fetc
iPad Palooza: https://twitter.com/iPadpalooza
Arduino: https://twitter.com/arduino
ICT Evangelist: https://twitter.com/ICTEvangelist
Lightneer: https://twitter.com/LightneerInc
Google Daydream: https://twitter.com/googlevr
Edupassions: https://twitter.com/edupassionscon
Seymour Papert: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seymour_Papert
Randy Zuckerberg: https://twitter.com/randizuckerberg
Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast Weekly: http://eepurl.com/cgjMkX #EDTECHPOD
Welcome to Bett as the latest Media Partner of The Edtech Podcast: http://www.bettshow.com
Cory Roush https://twitter.com/coryroush
Muskingham Library System: http://muskingumlibrary.org/
Cory Kano Workshop page http://www.linkedforliteracy.org/kano-info
SXSWedu: https://twitter.com/SXSWedu
Kano: https://twitter.com/TeamKano
Ada Lovelace: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace
Minecraft: https://twitter.com/Minecraft
ISTE: https://twitter.com/isteconnects
Sphero: https://twitter.com/Sphero
American Library Association: https://twitter.com/ALALibrary
Little Bits: https://twitter.com/littleBits
Pasi Sahlberg: https://twitter.com/pasi_sahlberg
Lightneer: https://twitter.com/LightneerInc
Educreators: https://twitter.com/educreators
Seth Godin: https://twitter.com/ThisIsSethsBlog
Jane McGonigal: https://twitter.com/avantgame
Chris Guillebeau: https://twitter.com/chrisguillebeau
Joanna Bersin, Head of Education, KANO
Connect Home https://twitter.com/ConnectHome
Girls Who Code https://twitter.com/GirlsWhoCode
Git Hub https://twitter.com/GitHubCommunity
Everyone On https://twitter.com/Everyone_On
Best Buy https://twitter.com/BestBuy
Salvation Army https://twitter.com/SalvationArmyUS
Boys and Girls Club http://www.bgca.org/Pages/index.aspx
Their World https://twitter.com/theirworld
Kings college, Aspires Report http://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/departments/education/research/aspires/research.aspx
Kickstarter https://twitter.com/kickstarter
Computer Science Teaching Association https://www.csteachers.org/
Edtech Europe https://twitter.com/EdTechEurope
Playstation https://twitter.com/PlayStation
oliver beach https://twitter.com/olivermbeach
teach first https://twitter.com/TeachFirst
Raspberry Pi https://twitter.com/Raspberry_Pi
Amana Academy http://www.amanaacademy.org/
the simpsons https://twitter.com/TheSimpsons
Edtech Summit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edtech-uk-global-summit-tickets-27655418100
Bett https://twitter.com/Bett_show
Expeditionary Learning Detroit http://eleducation.org/calendar/el-education-national-conference-2016
ISTE: https://twitter.com/isteconnects
SXSWedu: https://twitter.com/SXSWedu
Joe Fatheree https://twitter.com/josephfatheree
NNSTOY https://twitter.com/NNSTOY
Global Teacher Prize https://twitter.com/TeacherPrize
Sugata Mitra - https://twitter.com/Sugatam
Sir Ken Robinson - https://twitter.com/SirKenRobinson
TED talks https://twitter.com/TEDTalks
Kahoot https://twitter.com/GetKahoot
Geek Squad Academy https://twitter.com/GeekSquad
Have a good week!
Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit www.innovatemyschool.com to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles
Visit www.ukeduweekly.com to review the latest news and articles
Visit www.edtechnology.co.uk to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast
Visit http://www.besa.org.uk/ for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.
Visit https://www.naace.co.uk for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.
EdTechX Asia: Register now for the event on the 8-9 November!
Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more: http://www.bettshow.com/ For more information contact laura.conboy@i2ieventsgroup.com
Sign up to The EdTech Podcast Weekly 🎧 - Latest Episode Links & News 📢
Welcome to Bett as new media partner of The Edtech Podcast
Welcome to SowingX Capital as new sponsor
What's in this episode?
What is the iChamps programme?
How did they get on the programme?
What opportunities does it offer them/staff?
What are their favourite apps/tools?
Next steps after University using digital skills
Evidencing your skills
Experiences working in the Media, FE and HE sectors. What does a culture of innovation look like?
The importance of sharing the value of academic research through storytelling in a post-Brexit age
Favourite tools/apps and trends
Shout outs to other innovators in HE/FE
Sample Quotes, iChamps:
‘Rather than just talking to people about the technology, it’s ten times better to show people first hand.’
‘If you put in a bit of effort it can really pay off - especially for the students.’
‘There’s been other students at conferences that we’ve been to. There was a student panel at the JISC conference. Although they do similar things, it’s still quite different.’
‘We are treated equally with the staff that we work with. We get a lot of respect from them and they encourage our ideas.’
‘Our digital skills that we’ve learnt have already been so applicable even before we’ve gone on to an actual job.’
‘Our Pathbrite portfolios give a direct representation of all the work that we’ve done.’
Sample Quotes, Stephan Caspar:
If you have an idea and you want to create some resource around that then I’ve got a team who will help you.
The BBC and HE have been very similar. Change happens very slowly. In FE it’s much more agile.
FE is always being squeezed; there is a resourcefulness that people have when that starts to happen.
In many ways I’ve found the most innovative teachers have been the ones in FE.
The people that I’ve met who are real go-getters in HE have come from an FE background.
You learn to travel at speed and then when you arrive in HE…it’s a little bit slower.
Many people phone me up and say Stephan I want a video. We have a conversation about pedagogy and I send them away with a group flipchart activity.
It’s very important to give teaching and learning the same status that research has.
I really want people to not just consume content, but create content as well.
I want students to be reflective practitioners
In the end what I’m trying to do is get away from twelve lectures and an exam
#altc #LTHEchat
A welcome to ELTjam, ClearlySo, Firefly Learning and SowingX Capital.
What's in this episode?
Sample Quotes:
ON EDUCATION CHANGEMAKERS ‘We exist to unleash teacher led innovation.’
ON FAULKNER’S JOURNEY AS AN EDUCATION LEADER: ’I first became a principal when I was 24. By the time I was 27 I was running one of the biggest district high schools in the country. By the time I was 30 I was a district superintendent’
ABOUT SEEKING OPPORTUNITIES: ‘It was putting my hand up early and saying I want to lead change’ ‘I applied for my first deputy principal’s job before I even had a degree.’
ON EDUCATION AND RURALITY: My first school was about 400km from the capital city of western australia in perth. Marvel Loch
‘The real issue is the professional isolation. The best way to connect when you are far away, is often through technology.’
AUSTRALIAN TWITTER CHATS: #edchat #pstchat #aussieed #educhange #launchvic
‘Probably in Australia twitter is one of the most utilised mediums for teachers.’
ON EC LABS ACCELERATOR: ’EC labs is the first education sector specific lab accelerator and incubator in Australia.’ ‘We’ve been working with incredible education companies.’
‘What we actually start with is an education rapid accelerator.’ ‘We are currently looking for partners in the UK, working closely with Bett, to look at what does a rapid accelerator look like with Bett Futures.’
QUALITIES TO LOOK FOR IN A START-UP: ’Do they have a great team with a great idea which is going to impact students in a really positive and powerful way?’
ON TECH WHEN FAULKNER WAS GROWING UP: ‘I can still remember we had type writing classes!’
‘2000-2010 was a real growth phase for education technology.’ Tech when I was a kid? I can remember the first 286’s that came into my house.’
DAVE FAULKNER: https://twitter.com/d_faulk
EDUCATION CHANGEMAKERS: http://educationchangemakers.com/
ECLABS: http://educationchangemakers.com/eclabs.html
MATH PATHWAYS: http://www.mathspathway.com/
G FELLOWS: https://gfellows.org/scholarship-opportunities/australia/
PWC: http://www.pwc.com.au/press-room/2016/tech-talent-feb16.html
AMY O’TOOLE: https://www.ted.com/speakers/amy_o_toole
UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE & PROFESSOR JOHN HATTIE: http://findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/display/person428067
MARVEL LOCH: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Loch,_Western_Australia
BETT FUTURES: http://www.bettshow.com/content/Bett-futures-2017
FAULKNER’S TOP READS: https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/104236.Dave_Faulkner_Book_Recommends_from_The_Edtech_Podcast_Episode_28
Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast Weekly: http://eepurl.com/cgjMkX #EDTECHPOD
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Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/podcastedtech
Welcome to Launch Party Sponsors:
ELTjam are based in Hackney Wick, so couldn't be more local to The EdTech Podcast. ELTjam work with learning organisations to help them build better products in better ways by putting the learner at the centre of every decision. You can find out more about the work they do and the things that interest them at www.eltjam.com/welcome . To follow on twitter go to @ELTJam and to find out more contact Jo Sayers jo@eltjam.com
ClearlySo is Europe’s leading impact investment bank, working exclusively with businesses and funds delivering positive social, ethical and/or environmental impact along with financial return. It supports capital raising activity through financial advisory work. Originally founded in 2008, ClearlySo has helped more than 100 clients raise more than £100 million in impact investment from its extensive network of high-net-worth individual and institutional investors. You can follow them @clearlyso and contact John Lloyd john.Lloyd@clearlyso.com for more information.
You may know Firefly Learning as an online tool that brings together teachers, students and parents to set homework, track progress, share resources and engage parents. It's used by hundreds of schools worldwide, including Highams Park School, Hammersmith Academy and British International School Cairo. 8 of the top 10 UK independent schools(*Sunday Times) use Firefly. You can follow the team @fireflyteam and contact Alex MacMillan alex@fireflysolutions.co.uk with any enquiries.
Thank you to The Edtech Podcast Partners:
Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit www.innovatemyschool.com to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles
Visit www.ukeduweekly.com to review the latest news and articles
Visit www.edtechnology.co.uk to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast
Visit http://www.besa.org.uk/ for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.
Visit https://www.naace.co.uk for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.
EdtechXAsia Register now for the event on the 8-9 November!
On efficacy, personalised learning, AI and a new EdTech accelerator
Subscribe to The EdTech Podcast Weekly 🎧 - Latest Episode Links & News 📢 - http://eepurl.com/cgjMkX
What's in this episode?
Sample Quotes:
ON PERSONALISED LEARNING: ‘We, as a community of researchers, have not been good at recording some of the very valuable contextual data.’
‘I think it’s potentially really exciting what we could do with learning analytics; i don’t think its exciting at the moment in the main.’
‘A lot of things described as learner analytics are data analytics’
ON DATA: ‘People are a little bit rabbit in the headlines at the moment.’
ON EU: ’We get a significant percentage of our funding from the european union.’
‘We want to work with our European Colleagues as we have a long history of working with them.’
‘We have to think about it very carefully. It is a worry.’
‘I think there are some problems with people’s perceptions of what robotics might do.’
‘I think the future will be one where we work alongside artificially intelligent partners.’
Links and further reading:
Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast Weekly: http://eepurl.com/cgjMkX #EDTECHPOD
Connect with Dr Rose Luckin: https://iris.ucl.ac.uk/iris/browse/profile?upi=RLUCK37
McGraw-Hill Education http://www.mheducation.co.uk/
David Levin: https://www.mheducation.com/about/david-levin
Edtech X: http://edtechxeurope.com/
Bett: http://www.bettshow.com/
TES: https://www.tes.com/news/school-news/academies-news/burnt-out-get-some-artificial-intelligence
NESTA, Decoded Learning: http://www.nesta.org.uk/publications/decoding-learning
Audrey Waters: https://medium.com/enabling-connected-learning/accountability-calling-education-to-a-count-6ac173b44194#.ctc8xv4yc
Singularity: http://singularityu.org/bio/ray-kurzweil/
Lewis Johnson, Alelo: https://www.alelo.com/about-us/
Aaron Sloman, Sussex Uni AI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Sloman
Emerge Education Open Day 27th Sept https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/accelerator-open-day-tickets-27538533495
Welcome to sponsors
ELTjam http://eltjam.com/welcome/
ClearlySo https://www.clearlyso.com/
Firefly Learning, fireflylearning.com
Thank you to partners
Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit www.innovatemyschool.com to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles
Visit www.ukeduweekly.com to review the latest news and articles
Visit www.edtechnology.co.uk to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast
Visit http://www.besa.org.uk/ for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.
Register now for the event on the 8-9 November!
1. JOIN IN A #BETTCHAT AT 4.30PM UK TIME TUE 27TH on personalised learning
3. APPLY FOR A FREE 1/2 DAY WORKSHOP ON LEARNER UX; Email jo@eltjam.com to put your name in the hat
On learning games, Angry Birds, and a philosophy of fun learning
Welcome to ELTjam, ClearlySo, and Firefly Learning as Edtech Podcast Launch Party Sponsors this week #edtechpod
What's in this episode?
Intro, what’s in this week’s episode, how to submit questions for The Edtech Podcast Live and review of #sotonpod16
Interview with Lauri Jarvilehto, CEO, Lightneer
Review of Lauri’s career to date, including time spent at the Swedish Theatre of Finland, in music production, analytic philosophy, executive training and at Angry Birds developer Rovio, developing a framework for educational games
Influence of family on Lauri’s work
Experiences launching games at Angry Birds, partnering with NASA
What’s it like working with Peter Vesterbacka, Rovio, Founder Slush and Co-Founder, Mobile Monday, Brent Hoberman, lastminute.com, made.com and Founders Forum, Pasi Sahlberg, Professor of Education, Harvard University and Rolf Landua, Head of Global Engagement, CERN?
Introducing Lightneer as a games studio, and Big Bang as a particle physics game
Describing the unique landscape of developers, creatives and exceptional education in Finland
What’s next? Partnerships, educational resources and a world tour
Sample Quotes:
‘I grew up all the way up north…in a city which practically gets no sunlight in the winter.’
‘I’ve lived a portion of my life in the footsteps of my mother and another portion of my life in the footsteps of my father.’
On wanting to be a musician: ’Everyone said don’t be crazy get a proper job….but I realised I didn’t have that much to do. I didn’t like to go to school that much.’
‘I think Finland is a uniquely positioned place to create learning games.’
‘What do you get when you put amazing engineers and amazing media people in the same table…you get games, right?’
‘We (Finland) are also ….really great in Education.’
‘Our new curriculum is like a work of art.’
‘The cool thing is that Finnish education is unique in the sense that it’s so inclusive.’
‘My dad was a professor of psychology. I used to be a test subject when I was seven years old so i’d have these electrodes coming out from my head and i’d play a computer game.’
‘I love this classical idea of philosophy; this love of wisdom, this love of understanding.’
On Rovio/Angry Birds ‘It was some of the most amazing time of my life. We laid the whole ground work…in terms of the philosophy of fun learning…in those years’
‘The idea of wanting to embrace big ideas is strong with me, but I want to combine it with impact.’
It’s been strange..to get into this position where you can actually bring so many people together and they just CLICK.’
‘We don’t want to get a free ride, because we are education or learning; we want the game to be amazing, period.’
Further Reading and Resources:
Welcome to sponsors ELTjam, ClearlySo, Firefly Learning
Connect with Lauri
Jarvilehto family gaming at Seriously & via Aki
Gaming in Finland via Supercell, Rovio, Remedy &Traffic Light Games
Curriculum in Finland
CERN education
Peter Vesterbacka, Brent Hoberman (http://www.lastminute.com/), Pasi Sahlberg, Rolf Landua
Dragon Box game
Top 3 games:
Ratchet and Clank #rachetandclank
Top philosophers
Wittgenstein’s ladder
We want YOUR questions for The Edtech Podcast Live Panel
Send them via email at theedtechpodcast@gmail.com or via twitter @podcastedtech including #edtechpod
The panel currently is as follows,
We want YOUR questions for The Edtech Podcast Live Panel
Send them via email at theedtechpodcast@gmail.com or via twitter @podcastedtech including #edtechpod for ICT Evangelist, Easy Peasy (Start-up) and Primary School teacher Tolu Oyenola
What's in this episode?
Intro, what’s in this week’s episode, how to submit questions for The Edtech Podcast Live and more news items
Interview with Digital Sisters (3:00), Allana Gay, Deputy Headteacher, Lea Valley Primary School (14:50), Teacher Toolkit (22:33)
How and why the digital sisters set up their advisory services for online safety, bringing together experience from the corporate and teaching worlds
Advice on issues relating to sexting, cyber bullying, optimising and de-toxifying online profiles
Advice for educators on keeping up with digital world advances, CPD and relating to the concerns your students may have online
Overview of social media platforms you should know about but might not
Why teacher and parent behaviour online must reflect what you are asking of your students
Allana Gay’s journey to senior leader within a primary
Why engagement and investment in STEM, computing and impactful EdTech needs to start at primary
Why word of mouth marketing is still the primary source of buying information for schools
How Teacher Toolkit set up TMLondonBoat and what’s next
Engaging with issues of school leadership, research, pastoral care on TMLondonBoat
The merits of the teach meet method vs the educamp style for engaged CPD
Messages to the UK Education Secretary from Digital Sisters, Allana Gay and Teacher Toolkit
Sample Quotes:
Allana Gay, Deputy Headteacher, Lea Valley Primary School and WomenEd Regional Co-Lead @allanag13
on STEM: ‘There is far too much focus on the later years and not enough on the younger years.’
on COMPUTING: ‘Teachers shy away from the ICT programme. they are intimidated by it.’ ‘If your school doesn’t have someone enthusiastic about it it will become a very static programme.’
‘My reform would be start investing earlier; every school should have two IT suites, every school should have access to iPads and tablets.’
on TECH: ’As leaders, tech is there to simplify things for us. Simple things like having records.’ ‘You need to think about the investment you are making as not every fad will make sense for your school, and not every fad will be accessible by your teachers.’
Digital Sisters @digitalsisters
‘We have a team of people who live and breathe social media; people who we hope will inspire young media to think a bit differently about how they use social media and think more responsibly.’
‘There is a bit of a crisis which is happening at the moment’ ‘We want to bring experience from the corporate world and bring that into the public sector.’
‘A lot of parents and teachers are feeling a bit disempowered as the social media landscape is moving at such speed.’
‘If I say Yik Yak and Omegle to a lot of people they wouldn’t know what I was talking about.’
‘Social media is amazing.’
‘We are always surprised that we go into school and talk about sexting for the first time. It shouldn't be the case.’
‘We tell parents and teachers that they very much have to practice what they preach.’
‘One of the biggest issues that teachers are having is that they are out of their comfort zone.’
‘Our advice is to get familiar with the apps and CPD around them.’
Teacher Toolkit @TeacherToolkit
‘We’re on a boat bobbing along to canary wharf’
‘It’s nice because anyone can talk.’ ‘We can all take part in the debate.’ ‘I’m exploring ideas’
With your TM models there is a danger you have the same brave faces presenting.’ ‘The teach meet model is great.’
What’s next? ‘We are thinking about a tube.’
Message for UK Ed Secretary: ‘We just want a bit of stability, listen to teachers on the front line, give us a chance to breathe.’
‘We cant get off until the boat stops.’
Resources and further reading:
Digital Sisters
Coca Cola Barclays Microsoft
Allana Gay
Teacher Toolkit
Today The Edtech Podcast announces that Loughborough University in London will provide the spectacular venue for The Edtech Podcast Launch Party in October 2016.
Loughborough University is ranked as a top 10 university for research excellence, with almost 66% of the work of Loughborough’s academic staff judged as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. This year Loughborough University topped the Times Higher Education Student Satisfaction survey; an interview focusing on Loughborough Universities UX strategy was released on episode 10 of The Edtech Podcast.
The Loughborough London campus opened 6 months ago and the course focus on Design Innovation, Digital Technologies, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, and Media and Creative Industries make it a perfect fit for the communities involved in education technology.
The Edtech Podcast Launch Party is a celebration for everyone involved in education innovation, featuring thank you’s to supporters, The Edtech Podcast live, and community drinks. Registered guests to date include:
City University, Association for Learning Technology, Basingstoke College of Technology, University of Southampton, Association of Colleges, Loughborough University, University of London, Harris Federation School Alliance, WomenEd, TeachFirst, ICT Evangelist, TeacherToolkit, Joe Dale, NAACE, BESA, HereEast, Victoria and Albert Museum, Lauriston Primary School, King Solomon Academy, ELT Jam, RefME, Kano, Pi-top, Makers Academy, Primo Toys, Cambridge University Press, Emerge Education, NESTA, EdTech Exchange, EdSpace.io, Dutch Embassy, Department for International Trade, ClearlySo, UK Edu Weekly, Education Weekly and University Business, TES, Innovate My School, Bett, EdTechXGlobal, British Museum, and Pearson.
Sophie Bailey, Founder, The Edtech Podcast says,
‘I’m hugely grateful to Loughborough University London for providing their wonderful new site as home to the The Edtech Launch Party. The Loughborough University London team are incredibly passionate about progressive thinking about education and I can’t wait to welcome everyone.’
Adam Adesina, Loughborough University London says,
“We are pleased to host The Edtech Podcast launch and are excited to welcome new friends onto our site located on the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park at Here East: London’s new Innovation Quarter. We are proud to work with partners to disrupt old ways of thinking and doing to make the future better. We look forward to stimulating conversation and to the bringing together of educational innovators on launch night.”
Formerly featured on iTunes new and noteworthy, The Edtech Podcast is available on iTunes, Libsyn, TuneIn Radio, SoundCloud, PocketCast, Stitcher and many other podcast platforms.
Final tickets, reserved from educators across schools, colleges and universities, for The Edtech Podcast Launch Party are available at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-edtech-podcast-launch-party-tickets-27122094916
The Edtech Podcast welcomes any enquiries from those seeking to support its mission of sharing educator innovator voices as widely as possible.
Notes for Editors
Sophie Bailey is The Founder of The Edtech Podcast
Featured on iTunes new and noteworthy, The Edtech Podcast gets behind the personalities in global education technology. Educators, StartUps, Industry, Investors, Government, Associations, and Digital Learners join for weekly interviews, trends and sector news. In her ‘spare time’ Sophie also works as an independent contract and consultant player in EdTech.
@PodcastEdtech | theedtechpodcast@gmail.com
For further detail: Sophie Bailey, The Edtech Podcast at 00447855272549; theedtechpodcast@gmail.com; The Edtech Podcast on iTunes here and Libsyn here. Also via Twitter, facebook and instagram
Adam Adesina, Loughborough University London
Senior Employer Engagement Associate | Careers Network
Loughborough University London
Tel: 02038051338 | Mob: 07824626034 | Web: lborolondon.ac.uk/business/employers/
'Flipped learning and launching a new tech school'
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Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-edtech-podcast/id1107282759?mt=2
What's in this episode?
Please note this is a rough-cut bonus podcast. The audio quality is not as stable as usual. But, given the insights around the use of technology in lesson planning and delivery it seemed only fair to share with you all!
Further reading:
Loughborough University London to host The Edtech Podcast Launch Party!
Delighted to announce the venue will be Loughborough University London.
Last few educator tickets available via eventbrite.
Loughborough University is ranked as a top 10 university for research excellence, with almost 66% of the work of Loughborough’s academic staff judged as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. This year Loughborough University topped the Times Higher Education Student Satisfaction survey; an interview focusing on Loughborough Universities UX strategy was released on episode 10 of The Edtech Podcast.
The Loughborough London campus opened 6 months ago and the course focus on Design Innovation, Digital Technologies, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, and Media and Creative Industries make it a perfect fit for the communities involved in education technology.
'Flipped learning and launching a new tech school'
Tweet us https://twitter.com/PodcastEdtech
Be our FB friend and leave a voicemail via messenger: https://www.facebook.com/The-Edtech-Podcast-552680798233211/
Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-edtech-podcast/id1107282759?mt=2
What's in this episode?
Sample quotes
Further reading:
Loughborough University London to host The Edtech Podcast Launch Party!
Delighted to announce the venue will be Loughborough University London.
Last few educator tickets available via eventbrite.
Loughborough University is ranked as a top 10 university for research excellence, with almost 66% of the work of Loughborough’s academic staff judged as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. This year Loughborough University topped the Times Higher Education Student Satisfaction survey; an interview focusing on Loughborough Universities UX strategy was released on episode 10 of The Edtech Podcast.
The Loughborough London campus opened 6 months ago and the course focus on Design Innovation, Digital Technologies, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, and Media and Creative Industries make it a perfect fit for the communities involved in education technology.