This week’s episode is with Daniel Baril, Institute for Lifelong Learning at UNESCO learning. We chat about institutions forced to become agile in the age of coronavirus plus individual or collective approaches to lifelong learning and moving to targeted education intervention. Plus, guest messages from ISTE, UFI Voctech Trust, EverFi, and OpenClassrooms, and insights on distance learning via the “application culture” of China.
Thank you Ufi Voctech Trust for supporting this series and vocational skills development in the UK, through their investments and grants in vocational technology. You can check out their work here.
You can follow the series conversation using #voctechpodcast and #voctech
Show Notes and References
Check out for the full show notes.
Tell us your story
We'd love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via. twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.
This week we throw-back to a "pre-coronavirus" recording with Hector MacAulay, Managing Director at international infrastructure and manufacturing company Balfour Beatty. We chat about talent pipeline, technology and training and why getting up at the crack of dawn in your first teenage job sets you up for life.
Following on from our chat with Hector, Ian Hurd is out and about at this year’s Bett and you’ll hear from a range of attendees about everything from avoiding plagiarism, developing attention and calm in the workspace, and skills development in AI with stories from the UK, via Israel and the UAE.
We kick off the episode with a listener feature on the Edtech 50 evening with Nicole Ponsford, Becki Bawler, and Caroline Keep from the Gender Equality Collective then, a message from HundrED.
Thank you Ufi Voctech Trust for supporting this series and vocational skills development in the UK, through their investments and grants in vocational technology. You can check out their work here.
You can follow the series conversation using #voctechpodcast and #voctech
Show Notes and References
Check out for the full show notes.
Tell us your story
We'd love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via. twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.
Hello everyone and welcome to the seventh and final episode of our "The Edge" series, supported by Salesforce.Org. This series is all about new ways of doing things in Higher Education leadership.
In this episode, we celebrate "Change-Makers in Higher Ed", speaking to three leaders who have worked to implement new ways of doing things in their own University communities.
At the beginning of each interview, all of our amazing guests give us a window into their failures and successes over the years, as well as approaches to making change viable, before going into their specific projects.
You can follow the conversation using #EdtechEdge and #edtechpodcast
Enjoy and thanks for listening to the series!
Show Notes and References
Check out for the full show notes
Tell us your story
We'd love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.
In this episode, we hear about one organisation trying to embed personal learning budgets into the workplace, and draw together the best learning resources in one playlist. You’ll hear from Rajeeb Dey, Founder & CEO at Learnerbly.
PLUS we hear from some of our listeners on the effects of the Coronavirus, online learning and remote working.
Thank you Ufi Voctech Trust for supporting this series and vocational skills development in the UK, through their investments and grants in vocational technology. You can check out their work here.
You can follow the series conversation using #voctechpodcast and #voctech
Show Notes and References
Check out for the full show notes.
Tell us your story
We'd love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.