'Back to School'
What's included in this episode?
ON THE FEAR OF BACK TO SCHOOL: ‘That anxiety and dread…the beginning of another school year.’
HOW TO COPE: ‘It’s about finding strategies that bring the joy of teaching back to you.’
SUMMER HOLIDAYS AND TEACHERS: ‘it’s impossible to explain in words the freedom that teachers have in summer holidays’
EXAM RESULTS: ‘Every time it’s results day or results night i have the same feelings i had when i was opening my own brown envelope. you work with those students for so long and worked so hard with them…and they’ve worked so hard!’
LIFE-LONG LEARNING: ‘Before I was a teacher, I was an adult education junky.’
ON TEACHMEET: ‘‘It’s just an incredible movement’
Further Reading:
St. Martin in-the-Fields, Brixton, London: http://www.younglambeth.org/organisation/st-martin-in-the-fields-school-for-girls.html
Teacher Toolkit: http://www.teachertoolkit.me/
WomenEd: http://www.womened.org/
Teach Meet London Boat: https://storify.com/PodcastEdtech/teachmeet-london-boat-tmlondonboat
City Lit: http://www.citylit.ac.uk/
Two new partners!
Visit www.innovatemyschool.com to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles
Visit www.ukeduweekly.com to review the latest news and articles
Come to The Edtech Podcast Launch Party! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-edtech-podcast-launch-party-tickets-27122094916
What's in this episode?
Ron Reed, Exec Producer, SxSw Edu on the Microsoft/Mac Book conundrum when you have Bill Gates speaking at your event (3:28)
Interview with former NYC public school teacher Monica Burns @classtechtips of classtechtips.com on placing the task before the app and promoting deeper learning with technology.
Engaging methods and tools for using scannable technologies like virtual reality, QR codes and augmented reality within the classroom in an accessible way ‘beyond the headset.’
What are the opportunities and risks of an open educational resources policy?
Content creation tools which demonstrate student understanding
Monica’s journey from chalk boards and overhead projectors to training on tech
How to engage in ‘disruptive education’ whilst also ‘respecting the process’ and time needed for change to happen; which models are modernising education?
Extra reading and resources:
Monica’s Book on Scannable Technologies: http://buff.ly/2bw9tNa
Virtual Reality:
Nearpod: https://nearpod.com/nearpod-vr
Google Cardboard: https://vr.google.com/cardboard/
Lit World: http://www.litworld.org/wrad/
ISTE: http://www.iste.org/
Apple Distinguished Educator: http://www.apple.com/education/apple-distinguished-educator/
Edutopia: https://www.edutopia.org/users/monica-burns
Vote for The Edtech Podcast sessions at SxSw Edu! panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/68776 and panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/68856
UK Teachers: Check out NESTA's teacher innovation workshop (they want teachers to give feedback) here: http://www.nesta.org.uk/blog/teachers-we-need-you
Visit www.edtechnology.co.uk to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast
Have a good week everyone!
On EdTech exporting opportunity
What's in this episode?
Audio recording of The Department for International Trade webinar on exporting opportunities for EdTech
Featured speakers Tom Sapsted, International Trade Adviser, Department for International Trade (4.00m); Sophie Bailey, The Edtech Podcast (6:00m); Vipul Bhargava, Education Technology and Independent Schools, Department for International Trade (18:00m); Aldo de Pape, Founder, TeachPitch (34:00m)
Overview of 5 main areas of UK Edtech Success - STEM & Coding, Online Learning & Tutoring, Educator Focused Services, Student Focused Services and Literacy & Creativity
Areas which need innovation focus identified through the DfE Workload Challenge survey of 44,000 teachers
Overview of 6 international regions, the Department for International Trade identify as opportunities to create impact through EdTech
Considering the international schools presence in China and the UAE
Case study example of an EdTech company exporting globally - what works, what doesn’t and how to de-risk working with local partners
Information on The Dubai Futures Accelerators programme; Hong Kong’s quality Edu Fund for e-learning; the Education is Great campaign; the WISE accelerator & Silk ventures opportunities
Contextualising China’s huge EdTech spend
Education resources via Alibaba
Sample Quotes:
ON CHINA: ‘EdTech spend in China is bigger than the overall UK education budget.’
ON INVESTMENT: ’Hong Kong has a quality edu fund for e-learning of £157m.’
ON TEACHPITCH: ’We focus on disambiguation of the Internet when it comes to learning material.’
ON THE TEACHPITCH DEV TEAM: ‘We are blessed to have an all female Dev. team’
ON SAVING TEACHERS TIME: ‘The 3 areas identified as priority after surveying 44,000 teachers were marking, planning and resources and data management.’
Further Reading & Resources
Tom Sapsted, International Trade Adviser, Department for International Trade
Sophie Bailey, The Edtech Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-edtech-podcast/id1107282759?mt=2&ls=1 theedtechpodcast@gmail.com
Vipul Bhargava, Education Technology and Independent Schools, Department for International Trade Vipul.Bhargava@mobile.ukti.gov.uk
Aldo de Pape, Founder, TeachPitch
Links to The Dubai Futures Accelerators programme; Hong Kong’s quality Edu Fund for e-learning; the Education is Great campaign; the WISE accelerator & Silk ventures opportunities
TenCent: http://www.tencent.com/en-us/at/abouttencent.shtml
TenCent Education Prize: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/money-wealth/article/1951037/grandmothers-life-lessons-inspire-tencent-co-founder-launch
Alibaba Education Portal: https://www.techinasia.com/alibaba-and-peking-university-launch-chinese-moocs
'Connecting past, present and future learners'
What's included in this episode?
What employers are looking for in students and young people
Find out about a Linked In pilot project with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority which uses ‘big data’ to understand student pathways in the Greater Manchester area
Connecting past, present and future students - ‘Sending the elevator back down to the next generation’
LinkedIN’s resources for teachers - resources, knowledge, communities - and how these areas are developing
China as the fastest growing country on LinkedIn
Why LinkedIN has moved on in student perception from ‘facebook to old people’ to a useful resource
How do Universities use the ‘big data’ of LinkedIN to map student journeys after graduation?
LinkedIN for teachers and universities
Thank you to this week's sponsors Edspace.io
Calling all education entrepreneurs! Edspace is Europe’s unique education innovation hub: including a shared workspace in London, and a global network for everyone who wants to transform education. Pick from a range of membership packages to suit you. Or attend one of our classes, workshops or meet ups. To register visit www.edspace.io and for an exclusive podcast 1/3 off your first month when you sign up as a member, use the promo code PODCAST
Welcome to new partners Education Technology & University Business Magazine
Interview Quotes:
ON SOFT SKILLS: ‘educational qualifications; in many ways are no longer providing the level of discernment that employees are looking for’
ON PROJECT MANCHESTER: ’It’s a good demonstration of working with a range of people to leverage our data for insights into a community or career sector.’
STUDENTS ON LINKED IN: ’It could be around ideas for career options or it could be to find people who might be able to help you.’
ON HAVING A LINKED IN PROFILE WHEN YOU WORK AT LINKED IN: ‘It’s not as if there are profile police coming around to your desk everyday.’
TEACHER FAMILIARITY: ‘‘Teachers - they’re not the strongest demographic on linked in yet, but certainly very important to us. We need the teachers onboard.’
CHINA: ’China is our fastest growing country at the moment’
ON LINKED IN: ’Presenting yourself effectively is not new; networking is not new’. We are just an enabler really.’
ON 400m USERS: ‘We have a lot of data and insight into different career paths’
ON UNIVERSITIES: ‘If you’ve got 100,000 alumni on linked in; how do you leverage that as part of your branding? It’s huge!’
Further Reading:
PROJECT MANCHESTER: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pioneering-linkedin-project-to-change-the-face-of-recruitment-in-manchester
MICROSFT/LINKED IN DEAL: http://news.microsoft.com/2016/06/13/microsoft-to-acquire-linkedin/
UCL ON LINKED IN: https://www.linkedin.com/edu/ucl-12682
CHARLES HARDY: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/charleshardy @charleshardy
Thank you to supporters including BESA, NAACE, ASU GSV, BETT, EdtechEurope, EdTech Exchange, Edspace, Emerge Education, WomenEd, Education Technology & University Business and many many more!
What's in this episode?
Sample quotations:
ON Janet: ‘you can connect to it everywhere in the world.’
ON INTERNATIONAL INTEREST: ‘we do a lot internationally and we’d like to do an awful lot more’
ON OPEN ACCESS: ‘In open access the UK is probably there in the lead.’
ON EDTECH IN FE AND HE: ’Using Edtech in Further and Higher Education; the UK has a long way to go.’
ON JOINING BEST PRACTICE: ‘‘There is a lot of great practice individually in the UK, but nationally theres more we can do.’
ON LEARNER SPACES: ‘‘What’s the best practice in learning spaces.’? ‘How do you bring people in virtually into your classrooms.’?
Date for your diary this week!
Free UKTI webinar on UK EdTech Exporting. I'm speaking and you can register here:
Further Reading:
Jisc: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/ https://twitter.com/Jisc
Janet: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/janet
EDUROAM: https://www.eduroam.org/
JISC COLLECTIONS: https://www.jisc-collections.ac.uk/Support/Jisc-Banding/Affiliate-member-bands/Museum-libraries-/
GÉANT: http://www.geant.org/
NRENs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_research_and_education_network
Send your comments, questions, feedback to @podcastedtech theedtechpodcast@gmail.com
Thanks & see you next time!
What's in this episode?
Outcomes of tour of ten countries and 2 years work looking at education innovation
Why education is local, not global
Why storytelling is so essential; getting the buy-in of parents and students
The power of gamified education
Why EdTech is not just about the consumption of content, but the creation of content
Why education innovation needs the language of teachers and of business
Why low-tech education innovation needs showcasing vs. VR, AI and hype terms
The opportunity of EdTech for special educational needs
Creating a clear brand around French EdTech - implications for start-ups
Addressing the silos of education
Creating impactful low-hype EdTech
How Svenia and Audrey met at business school and realised they learnt more through ‘doing’ than attending ‘learning classes’. How they applied this to education innovation more broadly.
Most memorable part of the tour spent : South Africa with Green Shoots Education
On next steps in Audrey’s career: ‘I don’t think working for the ministry (of education) would be the solution.’
On liking/disliking school ‘I think I loved it.’ ‘I really want to go back into teaching at some point.’
On collaboration: ‘You need people who speak both languages - the one of the teachers and the one of the business people.’
Reading and Resources:
The Edtech World Tour & Liberte Living Lab
EdTech Europe: http://edtechxeurope.com/
French MOE: http://www.education.gouv.fr/
What's in this episode?
Further Reading:
Michael Moe, Investor, Entrepreneur and Author of Finding the Next Starbucks: https://twitter.com/michaelmoe
Think Equity partners: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/thinkequity-llc#/entity
GSV ASU Speakers
Dr. Condoleezza Rice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtG1FeuEFcE
Bill Gates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxSxq5TZhBE
Jim Collins: http://www.jimcollins.com/article_topics/articles.html
Carol Dweck: https://www.ted.com/talks/carol_dweck_the_power_of_believing_that_you_can_improve?language=en
Calm: https://twitter.com/calm?lang=en-gb
Headspace: https://twitter.com/headspace?lang=en-gb https://twitter.com/ClassDojo?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Kahoot: getkahoot.com
Classdojo: https://twitter.com/ClassDojo
Gojimo: http://www.gojimo.com
BridgeU: https://bridge-u.com/schools
Lightneer: http://www.lightneer.com
Education Institutions:
Chicago Public School board: http://cps.edu/Pages/AboutCPS.aspx
Harvard Business School: http://www.hbs.edu/Pages/default.aspx
Teach for America: https://www.teachforamerica.org
Summit Schools of California: http://www.summitps.org/schools
Culture of learning:
Laszlo Bock: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laszlobock
(Hilariously retro vid on Google Founders and going to Montessori): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C_DQxpX-Kw
Pearson: https://twitter.com/pearson
McGrawHill: https://twitter.com/MHEducation
President Michael Crow, Arizona State University: https://president.asu.edu/about/michaelcrow ; https://twitter.com/michaelcrow
Stanford: https://twitter.com/Stanford
MIT: https://twitter.com/MIT
Link to Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast with Tim Ferris the following statement from ASU GSV
Diversity in Edtech:
Mitch and Freada Kapor Lifetime Achievement Award: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7u1XWwhJQo
This week's podcast is sponsored by Edspace & The Young Academy:
Calling all education entrepreneurs! Edspace is Europe’s unique education innovation hub: including a shared workspace in London, and a global network for everyone who wants to transform education. Pick from a range of membership packages to suit you. Or attend one of our classes, workshops or meet ups. To register visit www.edspace.io and for an exclusive podcast 1/3 off your first month when you sign up as a member, use the promo code PODCAST
Calling all education entrepreneurs! The Young Academy is an incubator and investment programme for innovative ideas in the education sector. We offer a series of specialised workshops, expert support and the opportunity to apply for up to £150,000 of investment from our fund to help you grow. Our next programme will launch in the South East of England this autumn and applications are now open. To find out more and apply, visit www.theyoungacademy.org
Advertising on The Edtech Podcast
If you want to advertise on The Edtech Podcast please contact me (Sophie) at theedtechpodcast@gmail.com.
What’s featured in this episode?
Tech, GenderBalance, Diversity, Inclusion, Feminism, Leadership, Women&Girls, Teaching, Learning, Education, Innovation, ICT, Edtech, UKedchat, Bettchat, SLTchat, WomenEd, programming, coding, making, makers gonna make, escheat, edtechchat
Advertising on The Edtech Podcast
If you want to advertise on The Edtech Podcast please contact me (Sophie) at theedtechpodcast@gmail.com.
Join the conversation: I’d love to read out your comments/thoughts/questions on any episode of The Edtech Podcast. You can also send questions for forthcoming guests. Connect via…
Email: theedtechpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @PodcastEdtech
Facebook & Instagram: The Edtech Podcast
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What’s featured in this episode?
Quotes from this episode:
‘I was thinking 17/18yrs of age and you’ve given up on learning and given up on life already’
‘We’re going to find a way to connect through music and storytelling and writing.’
‘My attendance ratings went through the roof, my discipline problems dropped through the floor.’
‘What i discovered was…a big part of the problem was me. I wasn’t finding ways to connect my kids to the real world and that’s what we’ve been doing ever since’
‘The students were invited to the international summit on human rights at UNESCO’
‘Dustin and CJ did an absolutely incredible job of working and leading this project.’
‘We would love to work with schools all around the world.’
‘That’s one of the problems we’ve had in public education, is everyone works in a silo.’
‘One of the things iI want to talk about is the number of times these kids have failed.’
Reading and resources:
Teaching, Learning, Education, Innovation, ICT, Edtech, UKedchat, Bettchat, SLTchat, WomenEd, programming, coding, making, makers gonna make, escheat, edtechchat
Next Time:
#TeachMeet London Boat special and My Tech Future Special
Advertising on The Edtech Podcast
If you want to advertise on The Edtech Podcast please contact me (Sophie) at theedtechpodcast@gmail.com.
Thank You’s
Thank you to the many supporters of The Edtech Podcast, including but not limited to, NAACE, ALT_Learning, WomenEd, #LTHEChat, BESA, EdtechXGlobal, GSV ASU and this week’s sponsors.
Discounts for podcast listeners!
This week's podcast is sponsored by Naace. Many of you will be familiar with Naace – THE Education Technology Association - and for those who are not, Naace is a community of educators, technologists and policy makers who share a vision for the role of technology in advancing education. Membership is open to teachers, school leaders, advisors and consultants working within and across all phases of education in the UK and internationally. As a professional association, Naace represents the voice of the education technology community in the schools’ sector at a national and international level, as well as supporting one another across the sector through conferences, courses and the dissemination of resources, research and reflection. Naace is about helping today’s teachers teach for tomorrow, sharing successful approaches to learning with technology and getting the most from your investment in education technology. Go to www.naace.co.uk to check out what Naace is all about, and as a listener of the podcast, you can get annual membership for just £30 for your first year’s subscription if you use the code naacepod30 before 31 August 2016!
What’s featured in this episode?
Quotes from this episode:
Reading and resources:
Pedagogy Content Knowledge Model
Independent Thinking
Discounts for podcast listeners!
Many of you will be familiar with Zzish - with teacher users from over 100 countries - and for those who are not, Zzish are an easy to use teacher dashboard which helps you to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of each of your students. Zzish brings together all of the educational apps you love to use in one place, so you teachers out there can focus on learning progress. One of its killer apps is the quiz maker Quizalize, Go to Zzish.co to check out what Zzish is all about and, as a listener of the podcast, you can get 50% off a yearly subscription if you use the code EDTECHPODCAST before the 31st August. Woo hoo!
2. edpsace.io
Calling all education entrepreneurs! Edspace is Europe’s unique education innovation hub: including a shared workspace in London, and a global network for everyone who wants to transform education. Pick from a range of membership packages to suit you. Or attend one of our classes, workshops or meet ups. To register visit www.edspace.io and for an exclusive podcast 1/3 off your first month when you sign up as a member, use the promo code PODCAST
Thank You’s
Thank you to the many supporters of The Edtech Podcast, including but not limited to, NAACE, ALT_Learning, WomenEd, #LTHEChat, BESA, EdtechXGlobal, GSV ASU and this week’s sponsors.