
The Edtech Podcast

The mission of The Edtech Podcast is to improve the dialogue between ‘ed’ and ‘tech’ through storytelling, for better innovation and impact. Hosted by Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner-Centred Design at UCL and Founder and CEO of EDUCATE Ventures Research, using AI to measure the unmeasurable in education. The Edtech Podcast audience consists of education leaders from around the world, plus startups, learning and development specialists, bluechips, investors, Government and media. The Edtech Podcast is downloaded 2000+ each week from 145 countries in total, with UK, US & Australia the top 3 downloading countries. Podcast series have included Future Tech for Education, Education 4.0, and The Voctech Podcast, Learning Continued, Evidence-Based EdTech, and the upcoming AI in Ed: Our Data-Driven Future series on AI. Send your qs and comments to @PodcastEdtech, @knowlgdillusion,,, or,, or leave a voicemail for the show at
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All Episodes
Now displaying: 2017
Mar 19, 2017

On creativity and learning 

VOTE for The Edtech Podcast in the British Podcasting Awards! 

What's in this episode?

  • Introduction, Emerge Education Cohort 8 open, Edtech Podcast 1st Birthday Party (come!), Naace and more 

  • 1:1 interview with award winning musician and innovator Imogen Heap

  • Developing the technology of the MiMu gesture glove over the last seven years

  • Stepping outside of expected musical forms, influenced by the open movements of makers and hackers

  • Sneaking around MIT Lab, NASA & why Imogen is excited about VR and the potential to stay connected


Sample quotations:

  • I suppose twenty years ago I signed my first record deal and back in those days you make music and that was it. Don’t even think about the video or doing the art work.
  • It took me a long time to shake those ideas and step out and collaborate with people. And then i discovered all these hackers and makers involved in that stuff
  • Over the last seven years I’ve been developing a set of technology called the mi mu gloves to help me augment those acoustic sounds, to bring them to live physically.
  • It gets me very very excited about the next generation. They are not going to be stuck behind a laptop.
  • Imogen if you and your team want to come around the Goddard space centre give us a shout.
  • She invited me to the MIT media lab
  • I saw many bits of tech but this is the one that really resonated with me
  • ON VR: This is the reality of how kids will be learning in the future

Messages from The Edtech Podcast:

VOTE for The Edtech Podcast in the British Podcasting Awards! 

JOIN US at The Edtech Podcast 1st Birthday Party!

Don't forget to subscribe to The Edtech Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher

Collaborate on our LIVE podcast series - we are on the look out for unique venues or complimentary sponsors. 



Never miss an episode! Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast via iTunes, TuneIN Radio, Stitcher, Pocket Cast and many more. You can also subscribe to The Edtech Podcast weekly for news, events updates and episode links: Sign up to The EdTech Podcast Weekly  🎧  - Latest Episode Links & News 📢 


Contact to find out more

Thank you for your podcast reviews!:

‘I am both a listener and a past interviewee on The Edtech Podcast and I can’t recommend it highly enough: it’s an excellent resource.’

Prof. Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner Centred Design, UCL Knowledge Lab - photo in past guests folder

Your written iTunes reviews encourage me and they help other people find the podcast. If you appreciate the edtech conversations I share, please write your own review on iTunes or Stitcher!


Add your thoughts and feedback for inclusion in the next episode, by downloading the anchor app for free and recording a quick comment. You can then forward this to The Edtech Podcast anchor account or via twitter to @podcastedtech. 


I can help you with your project or business: 

Get in contact with me about bespoke consultancy projects. 



SXSWedu® Conference & Festival

More from SXSWedu in a few weeks. 

Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles

Visit to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast


Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

University Business (UB) was launched in 2005, and in the past decade has established itself as the leading B2B publication within the UK HE sector. 



Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more and register here:  For more information contact 


Visit to review the latest news and articles


EdTechXEurope is the leading thought leader summit bringing together executive level investors, innovators and industry influencers from European and international education companies. Now in its fourth year, EdTechXEurope hosted 800+ global attendees and invited over 150 speakers to showcase EdTech innovations and perspectives from around the world. 


The EdTech Exchange is Europe's largest community of EdTech Founders and provides members with mentoring, support and a programme of events designed to share best practice through peer-to-peer learning. The Exchange brings together like-minded EdTech entrepreneurs, encouraging them to exchange ideas, swap war stories, and give and receive advice from their peers. It is solely for Founders of EdTech companies who have raised at least £100,000 of financing or revenue, with many members having raised significantly more. 


The Edtech Podcast supports the mission of WomenEd: #WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level. The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education. 

ASU GSV Summit 2017!  

Mar 11, 2017

With thanks to this week's sponsors Wambiz (check them out below)

  1. VOTE for The Edtech Podcast in the British Podcasting Awards! 

What's in this episode?

  • Introduction, British Podcasting Awards and Wambiz

  • 1:1 interview with Eric Sheninger, Senior Fellow and Thought Leader on Digital Leadership with the International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE).

  • Exploration of turnaround story & Eric's time as award-winning Principal at New Milford High School in the US

  • Recommended reads on leadership and change management

  • Frameworks for building a team and gaining investment for projects 

Thank you to this week's Sponsor


A message from our friends at Wambiz

When it comes to communicating with their students and getting them to collaborate outside of the classroom, teachers are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Today’s tech savvy students simply do not engage with email, the traditional means of teacher-student communication, whilst social media, Facebook, WhatsApp and the like are also not the appropriate medium as they blur the lines between personal life and professional life, providing no visibility to the institution of any potential inappropriate behaviour. At WAMBIZ we solve this problem by allowing institutions from all sectors to have their very own branded private social network, letting your teachers and students communicate and collaborate in a safe and secure environment, which you control. With a familiar look and feel to other social media platforms, guaranteeing adoption and engagement, but with the safeguards needed for educational practice, the app facilitates key benefits including learning outcomes, teaching and assessment, student support, social inclusion, social media awareness and much more…

To book a free demo or find out more please visit or contact us at and implement your own institutional app today!

And if you are a school listening please contact us to find out about our ‘Safebook 4 Schools’ project backed by the West Midlands Police!”

Sample quotations: 

  • 'I was the principal who didn’t believe in any of this. I wrote the policies that blocked social media.’

  • 'Social media, especially twitter, opened my eyes to a world I never new existed.’

  • Kids saw more value in their learning; we didn’t see technology as an add on anymore

  • It was hard working with the staff who’d been there for thirty or forty years.’ 

  • In education we focus on the yeah but’s when we need to focus on the what if’s

  • Leadership is about action, not about title, position or power 

Messages from The Edtech Podcast:

VOTE for The Edtech Podcast in the British Podcasting Awards! 

  1. Don't forget to subscribe to The Edtech Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher
  2. Help! The Edtech Podcast is looking out for interns to help us on our mission: if you are interested
  3. Collaborate on our LIVE podcast series - we are on the look out for unique venues or complimentary sponsors. 



Never miss an episode! Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast via iTunes, TuneIN Radio, Stitcher, Pocket Cast and many more. You can also subscribe to The Edtech Podcast weekly for news, events updates and episode links: Sign up to The EdTech Podcast Weekly  🎧  - Latest Episode Links & News 📢 


Contact to find out more

Thank you for your podcast reviews!:

‘I am both a listener and a past interviewee on The Edtech Podcast and I can’t recommend it highly enough: it’s an excellent resource.’

Prof. Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner Centred Design, UCL Knowledge Lab - photo in past guests folder

Your written iTunes reviews encourage me and they help other people find the podcast. If you appreciate the edtech conversations I share, please write your own review on iTunes or Stitcher!


Add your thoughts and feedback for inclusion in the next episode, by downloading the anchor app for free and recording a quick comment. You can then forward this to The Edtech Podcast anchor account or via twitter to @podcastedtech. 


I can help you with your project or business: 

Get in contact with me about bespoke consultancy projects. 



SXSWedu® Conference & Festival

More from SXSWedu in a few weeks. 

Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles

Visit to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast


Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

University Business (UB) was launched in 2005, and in the past decade has established itself as the leading B2B publication within the UK HE sector. 



Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more and register here:  For more information contact 


Visit to review the latest news and articles


EdTechXEurope is the leading thought leader summit bringing together executive level investors, innovators and industry influencers from European and international education companies. Now in its fourth year, EdTechXEurope hosted 800+ global attendees and invited over 150 speakers to showcase EdTech innovations and perspectives from around the world. 


The EdTech Exchange is Europe's largest community of EdTech Founders and provides members with mentoring, support and a programme of events designed to share best practice through peer-to-peer learning. The Exchange brings together like-minded EdTech entrepreneurs, encouraging them to exchange ideas, swap war stories, and give and receive advice from their peers. It is solely for Founders of EdTech companies who have raised at least £100,000 of financing or revenue, with many members having raised significantly more. 


The Edtech Podcast supports the mission of WomenEd: #WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level. The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education. 

ASU GSV Summit 2017!  

Mar 3, 2017

What's in this episode?

  • ICT Connect 21 and The Japanese association for the promotion of education technology on why Britain is helping with the renewal of their curriculum after ten years, coding and cramming schools. 

  • The Bloodhound Project on inspiring the next generation of engineers, thrust, and Tainted Love. 

  • Digital leader students from Islington schools on what they want from education technology

  • Mobile Gaming start up Wibbu on why gaming is the key to longer engagement for language learners

  • The Bafta Young Game Designers and a new Nintendo employee on how teachers can help young people get into the creative and high-revenue gaming industry

  • Bett Award winners Digiexam on drawing the university examination process away from paper

Thank you to this week's Sponsors 

A message from our friends at Full Fabric to all the higher education listeners out there. If you work in university admissions and you’re considering ways to streamline your marketing and on boarding processes check them out! Full Fabric is developed by a team who worked within a university and were frustrated by the experience of supporting students effectively. They realised any software solution needed to be customisable to help universities recruit, market to and admit students in one place. All data is hosted on the cloud, meaning it can be accessed anytime, anywhere and on a range of devices.

If that sounds of interest to you, you can request a free consultation about your university’s admissions process by visiting 

Sample quotations: 

Yoshimi Ishizaka, ICT Connect 21

  • The Japanese education system is relatively centralised 
  • The after school education is so active; not only the physical classroom, but online
  • The National Standard curriculum is raised every 10 years; 2020 - the concept of the revision is active learning 
  • Starting a programming class will be so tough. We came to england to learn your experiences
  • Many edtech venture companies have recently started in Japan. The after school market is so big. The b2c market rather than b2school.
  • Another problem is the Japanese teachers are so busy. Too busy!
  • If some technology can reduce their burden…that’s very great.

Rob Bennett, Bloodhound 

  • What are we watching? We are watching kids get inspired and engaged about rocket cars! 
  • Engineers: people who use technology to solve problems as, of course, we all do on planet earth from the day we are born
  • How am I, the most complicated computer in the world going to solve problems? I need equations. 
  • I am from the land of the free and brave: Cornwall.
  • We are like the starship enterprise, going boldly where no man has ever done. We will prove the science and we will do it safely.
  • Produce 9 tonnes of thrust, just pop it down the run way.
  • We are communicating the language of maths which are universal 

Children from Islington Schools 

  • Franklin, 11 years old, Newington Green Primary School 
  • ‘I’ve seen VR headsets, different robots.’ 
  • Matthew, Newington Green Primary School
  • ‘I enjoyed the robot one.’ 
  • What gets you engaged? ‘ICT’ 
  • Nor, 
  • A digital leader is responsible for technology and ICT. They are one of the good people.’ 
  • Jackson, Alexandra Palance Secondry School 
  • ‘I like the robotics.’ 

 Dean Jacobs, Wibbu 

  • We’re a group of game developers and linguists and language teachers who have come together to modernise the way people learns languages.
  • I’ve always been in love with languages.
  • Our philosophy is about long term engagement with language learning 
  • We had a concept game out last year. We had a quarter of a million downloads and went to the number one in the apps store education category in 20 countries. 
  • I think it’s really exciting for publishers. I don’t think they’ve seen something which is so gamified. 

Melissa Philipps, BAFTA Young Games Designer of the Year 

  • There are brand new games design courses opening up all over the country 
  • I’m a big believer in the see it be it 

Kai Mulligan Oliver, Nintendo

  • I think its so much easier to be creative now. Being creative digitally is so much in the minds of young people these days
  • The tools are now democratised. you don’t need to code. 
  • In the indie scene i know lots of people haven’t done degrees

Gustaf Nordback, DigiExam

On the educator side we solve the problem of marking 

Messages from The Edtech Podcast:

  1. Don't forget to subscribe to The Edtech Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher
  2. Help! The Edtech Podcast is looking out for interns to help us on our mission: if you are interested
  3. Collaborate on our LIVE podcast series - we are on the look out for unique venues or complimentary sponsors. 


Media Partnership with SXSWedu® Conference & Festival

The Edtech Podcast will attend the seventh annual SXSWedu® Conference & Festival in Austin, March 6-9, 2017 to document the passionate and diverse community of education stakeholders brought together across its four days of programming. 


Never miss an episode! Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast via iTunes, TuneIN Radio, Stitcher, Pocket Cast and many more. You can also subscribe to The Edtech Podcast weekly for news, events updates and episode links: Sign up to The EdTech Podcast Weekly  🎧  - Latest Episode Links & News 📢 


Contact to find out more

1000+ listeners from 96 countries each week
3 ad slots per episode
Co-curated takeover episodes
International pop-ups and LIVE podcast recording events
Support independent community building in the edtech space 

Thank you for your podcast reviews!:

‘I am both a listener and a past interviewee on The Edtech Podcast and I can’t recommend it highly enough: it’s an excellent resource.’

Prof. Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner Centred Design, UCL Knowledge Lab - photo in past guests folder

Your written iTunes reviews encourage me and they help other people find the podcast. If you appreciate the edtech conversations I share, please write your own review on iTunes or Stitcher!


Add your thoughts and feedback for inclusion in the next episode, by downloading the anchor app for free and recording a quick comment. You can then forward this to The Edtech Podcast anchor account or via twitter to @podcastedtech. 


I can help you with your project or business: 

Get in contact with me about bespoke consultancy projects. 


Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles

Visit to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast


Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

University Business (UB) was launched in 2005, and in the past decade has established itself as the leading B2B publication within the UK HE sector. 



Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more and register here:  For more information contact 


Visit to review the latest news and articles


EdTechXEurope is the leading thought leader summit bringing together executive level investors, innovators and industry influencers from European and international education companies. Now in its fourth year, EdTechXEurope hosted 800+ global attendees and invited over 150 speakers to showcase EdTech innovations and perspectives from around the world. 


The EdTech Exchange is Europe's largest community of EdTech Founders and provides members with mentoring, support and a programme of events designed to share best practice through peer-to-peer learning. The Exchange brings together like-minded EdTech entrepreneurs, encouraging them to exchange ideas, swap war stories, and give and receive advice from their peers. It is solely for Founders of EdTech companies who have raised at least £100,000 of financing or revenue, with many members having raised significantly more. 


The Edtech Podcast supports the mission of WomenEd: #WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level. The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education. 

ASU GSV Summit 2017!  

Feb 26, 2017
  • With thanks to this week's sponsors Disney Circle and Full Fabric (check them out below)!
  • You can now leave a voicemail for inclusion in the show: 
  • Don't forget to Sign up to the newsletter :)
  • Enjoy a $50 discount at SXSWedu® with the code: reg-edu-etp_c5173c53f9 

What's in this episode?

  • Hear from a variety of attendees, speakers and exhibitors at Bett on edtech trends including data, financial squeeze, & class sizes
  • Hear from Global Teacher Prize Winner '16 Hanan Al Hroub on why teachers should be given more space and time to be creative and focus on students 
  • Hear from an ICT coordinator of a school district in Sweden responsible for 8000 students on why 'hardware is not the solution'
  • Hear from an ICT Advisor to the UAE Ministry of Education on the Emiratisation of schools to become and education destination
  • Hear from Show My Homework co-founder Jon Tiss on Satchel and the early days of starting SMH 'in a room, with no natural light.' 
  • Hear from Amanda Jackson, Inspector for Standards and Effectiveness for Computing and eSafety,and Dave Smith, Computing & Online Safety Adviser/Business Development Lead, Havering Education Services on UK edtech strategy, international visitors and new services

Thank you to this week's Sponsors, plus special discounts: 


Circle with Disney got in touch via twitter thinking I was based in the US, but although they’re yet to come to the UK they are still saying hi to all of you lovely listeners because our second biggest audience are in the US, but wherever you are hello! So what is Circle? Well, I think everyone listening has probably cried to Bambi, or Dumbo so you know what Disney is! Circle with Disney is a little device designed for families to help manage content and time spent online across devices in the home. It pairs to Wi-Fi routers and 4G or WiFi networks of Tablets, PCs, Smart Phones, and all devices its connected with and allows parents to filter content, set time limits and bedtimes across platforms like YouTube, Minecraft, Facebook, Netflix and Snapchat. Which reminds me of when my mum tragically pulled the plug from our Amstrad PC on a hot summer’s day just before we could crush the boss man on Kung Fu Master. I didn’t thank her then, but I definitely do now. 

The best thing is the kind folks at Circle have sorted out special Free Shipping and a $10 OFF discount for you listeners if you go to and enter the code EDTECH. The code will be live till the 31st March. Thank you Circle. 

Next up, our friends at Full Fabric with a message to all the higher education listeners out there. If you work in university admissions and you’re considering ways to streamline your marketing and on boarding processes check them out! Full Fabric is developed by a team who worked within a university and were frustrated by the experience of supporting students effectively. They realised any software solution needed to be customisable to help universities recruit, market to and admit students in one place. All data is hosted on the cloud, meaning it can be accessed anytime, anywhere and on a range of devices.

If that sounds of interest to you, you can request a free consultation about your university’s admissions process by visiting 

Sample quotations: 

Amanda Jackson, Inspector for Standards and Effectiveness for Computing and eSafety, Havering Education Services

  • Denmark - ‘The thing that they were really interested in were the micro:bits.’
  • VR: 'It can’t ever replace a good trip somewhere, but it can work really well when you have good context’

Dave Smith, Computing & Online Safety Adviser/Business Development Lead, Havering Education Services

  • A UK digital strategy for schools: 'That’s something we desperately need. We need to be driving that in our schools.’
  • Sweden: 'When I went there in 2011 for the first time, in the swedish authority all the students have a laptop of their own and all the students are allowed to install their own programmes.’ 

Soren Anderson, ICT-strategist for the school district of Sandviken, Sweden

  • 'We are a high tech country, but i fell like we missed something on the way.’
  • I think that many of us thought that if we just have everything we need (technically) it would solve every problem, but it didn't’ 

IT Advisor, UAE Ministry of Education 

  • 'We would like our country to be number one in education.’ 
  • 'Our strategy is to enhance education through Emirati schools.'

Jon Tiss, Co-Founder, Show My Homework

  • 'Naimish regular goes out to schools. I still go out to schools. The classroom changes week to week. If you take your finger off the pulse, your’e already outdated.'
  • 'That’s how we started. It was me and him. One developer. In a room with no natural light.'
  1. Don't forget to subscribe to The Edtech Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher
  2. Help! The Edtech Podcast is looking out for interns to help us on our mission: if you are interested
  3. Collaborate on our LIVE podcast series - we are on the look out for unique venues or complimentary sponsors. 




Media Partnership with SXSWedu® Conference & Festival

The Edtech Podcast will attend the seventh annual SXSWedu® Conference & Festival in Austin, March 6-9, 2017 to document the passionate and diverse community of education stakeholders brought together across its four days of programming. As part of our media partnership, listeners can access a $50 discount on tickets by going to and entering the code reg-edu-etp_c5173c53f9 at check-out! Shout out @podcastedtech if you're going and use the code :) 


Never miss an episode! Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast via iTunes, TuneIN Radio, Stitcher, Pocket Cast and many more. You can also subscribe to The Edtech Podcast weekly for news, events updates and episode links: Sign up to The EdTech Podcast Weekly  🎧  - Latest Episode Links & News 📢 


Contact to find out more

1000+ listeners from 96 countries each week
3 ad slots per episode
Co-curated takeover episodes
International pop-ups and LIVE podcast recording events
Support independent community building in the edtech space 

Thank you for your podcast reviews!:

‘I am both a listener and a past interviewee on The Edtech Podcast and I can’t recommend it highly enough: it’s an excellent resource.’

Prof. Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner Centred Design, UCL Knowledge Lab - photo in past guests folder

Your written iTunes reviews encourage me and they help other people find the podcast. If you appreciate the edtech conversations I share, please write your own review on iTunes or Stitcher!


Add your thoughts and feedback for inclusion in the next episode, by downloading the anchor app for free and recording a quick comment. You can then forward this to The Edtech Podcast anchor account or via twitter to @podcastedtech. 


I can help you with your project or business: 

Get in contact with me about bespoke consultancy projects. 


Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles

Visit to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast


Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

University Business (UB) was launched in 2005, and in the past decade has established itself as the leading B2B publication within the UK HE sector. 



Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more and register here:  For more information contact 


Visit to review the latest news and articles


EdTechXEurope is the leading thought leader summit bringing together executive level investors, innovators and industry influencers from European and international education companies. Now in its fourth year, EdTechXEurope hosted 800+ global attendees and invited over 150 speakers to showcase EdTech innovations and perspectives from around the world. 


The EdTech Exchange is Europe's largest community of EdTech Founders and provides members with mentoring, support and a programme of events designed to share best practice through peer-to-peer learning. The Exchange brings together like-minded EdTech entrepreneurs, encouraging them to exchange ideas, swap war stories, and give and receive advice from their peers. It is solely for Founders of EdTech companies who have raised at least £100,000 of financing or revenue, with many members having raised significantly more. 


The Edtech Podcast supports the mission of WomenEd: #WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level. The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education. 

ASU GSV Summit 2017!  

10% discount for listeners...

With ever increasing expectations from students and staff alike at universities across the UK, the Accelerating Digital Transformation conference will bring together the best digital specialists in the UK to discuss how technology can enhance the student experience. The event will include a day of best practise and knowledge sharing from peers in HE who are experts on the topic, businesses that facilitate the digitalisation process and individuals who have successfully digitalised their own organisations. It will be a great chance to network, get involved and be ahead of the curve.  Website:

Feb 19, 2017

What's in this episode?

  • Quick catch up with Ron Reed at EWF on tips for SXSWedu
  • Longer skype interview with Ron Reed about: 
    • Leading and exiting with an early edtech content business 
    • Liaising with the major content publishers 
    • Dealing with initial hostile audiences for edtech 
    • Changing state law and leading a new wider definition of 'textbooks', more inclusive of digital content & opening up access funding
    • Launching SXSWedu during the financial downturn
    • Advice for new startups
    • New collaborations on work-based learning  
Don't forget to subscribe to The Edtech Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher
Help! The Edtech Podcast is looking out for interns to help us on our mission: if you are interested
Collaborate on our LIVE podcast series - we are on the look out for unique venues or complimentary sponsors. 

Announcing Media Partnership with SXSWedu® Conference & Festival

The Edtech Podcast will attend the seventh annual SXSWedu® Conference & Festival in Austin, March 6-9, 2017 to document the passionate and diverse community of education stakeholders brought together across its four days of programming. As part of our media partnership, listeners can access a $50 discount on tickets by going to and entering the code reg-edu-etp_c5173c53f9 at check-out! Shout out @podcastedtech if you're going and use the code :) 


Never miss an episode! Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast via iTunes, TuneIN Radio, Stitcher, Pocket Cast and many more. You can also subscribe to The Edtech Podcast weekly for news, events updates and episode links: Sign up to The EdTech Podcast Weekly  🎧  - Latest Episode Links & News 📢 


Contact to find out more

1000+ listeners from 96 countries each week
3 ad slots per episode
Co-curated takeover episodes
International pop-ups and LIVE podcast recording events
Support independent community building in the edtech space 

Thank you for your podcast reviews!:

‘I am both a listener and a past interviewee on The Edtech Podcast and I can’t recommend it highly enough: it’s an excellent resource.’

Prof. Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner Centred Design, UCL Knowledge Lab - photo in past guests folder

Your written iTunes reviews encourage me and they help other people find the podcast. If you appreciate the edtech conversations I share, please write your own review on iTunes or Stitcher!


Add your thoughts and feedback for inclusion in the next episode, by downloading the anchor app for free and recording a quick comment. You can then forward this to The Edtech Podcast anchor account or via twitter to @podcastedtech. 


I can help you with your project or business: 

Get in contact with me about bespoke consultancy projects. 


Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles

Visit to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast


Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

University Business (UB) was launched in 2005, and in the past decade has established itself as the leading B2B publication within the UK HE sector. 



Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more and register here:  For more information contact 


Visit to review the latest news and articles


EdTechXEurope is the leading thought leader summit bringing together executive level investors, innovators and industry influencers from European and international education companies. Now in its fourth year, EdTechXEurope hosted 800+ global attendees and invited over 150 speakers to showcase EdTech innovations and perspectives from around the world. 


The EdTech Exchange is Europe's largest community of EdTech Founders and provides members with mentoring, support and a programme of events designed to share best practice through peer-to-peer learning. The Exchange brings together like-minded EdTech entrepreneurs, encouraging them to exchange ideas, swap war stories, and give and receive advice from their peers. It is solely for Founders of EdTech companies who have raised at least £100,000 of financing or revenue, with many members having raised significantly more. 


The Edtech Podcast supports the mission of WomenEd: #WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level. The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education. 

ASU GSV Summit 2017!  

10% discount for listeners...

With ever increasing expectations from students and staff alike at universities across the UK, the Accelerating Digital Transformation conference will bring together the best digital specialists in the UK to discuss how technology can enhance the student experience. The event will include a day of best practise and knowledge sharing from peers in HE who are experts on the topic, businesses that facilitate the digitalisation process and individuals who have successfully digitalised their own organisations. It will be a great chance to network, get involved and be ahead of the curve.  Website:

Feb 19, 2017
  • You can now leave a voicemail for inclusion in the show: 
  • Don't forget to Sign up to the newsletter :)
  • Enjoy a $50 discount at SXSWedu® with the code: reg-edu-etp_c5173c53f9 
  • Check out an Edtech Podcast EXTRA with SXSWedu exec director Ron Reed about his background in edtech content, publishing and launching the show on the podcast channel

What's in this episode?

  • How does higher education address the fourth digital revolution - is it adapting fast enough?
  • How can technology address some of the challenges around teacher student ratios? 
  • How can we use practical education to re-position different geographies as skills destinations, and reverse the dreaded brain drain? 

Interviews with: 

  • Pratik Dattani, Managing Director, EPG Economic and Strategy Consulting Group & Founder, EIC '17, UK 
  • Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, OECD/PISA, Austria 
  • Justin van Fleet, Chief of Staff to Rt. Honourable Gordon Brown, in the Office of the UN Special Envoy for Global Education/Director of the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity, USA
  • Mammo Muchie, Research Professor on Innovation and Development, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa
  • Michael Kerrison, Director of Educational Innovation and Development, University of London 
  • Dr. Jacob (Yaki) Dayan, Founder & CEO, Edtech Israel 
  • Raman Talwar, CEO & Founder Director, Simulanis, India 
  • Charles McIntyre, CEO, IBIS Capital, Co-Founder EdTechX 
  • Cederik Haverbeke, co-founder and CTO of Edorble 
Don't forget to subscribe to The Edtech Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher
Help! The Edtech Podcast is looking out for interns to help us on our mission: if you are interested
Collaborate on our LIVE podcast series - we are on the look out for unique venues or complimentary sponsors. 


Join us at Edspace, March 2nd:

Announcing Media Partnership with SXSWedu® Conference & Festival

The Edtech Podcast will attend the seventh annual SXSWedu® Conference & Festival in Austin, March 6-9, 2017 to document the passionate and diverse community of education stakeholders brought together across its four days of programming. As part of our media partnership, listeners can access a $50 discount on tickets by going to and entering the code reg-edu-etp_c5173c53f9 at check-out! Shout out @podcastedtech if you're going and use the code :) 


Never miss an episode! Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast via iTunes, TuneIN Radio, Stitcher, Pocket Cast and many more. You can also subscribe to The Edtech Podcast weekly for news, events updates and episode links: Sign up to The EdTech Podcast Weekly  🎧  - Latest Episode Links & News 📢 


Contact to find out more

1000+ listeners from 96 countries each week
3 ad slots per episode
Co-curated takeover episodes
International pop-ups and LIVE podcast recording events
Support independent community building in the edtech space 

Thank you for your podcast reviews!:

‘I am both a listener and a past interviewee on The Edtech Podcast and I can’t recommend it highly enough: it’s an excellent resource.’

Prof. Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner Centred Design, UCL Knowledge Lab  - photo in past guests folder

Your written iTunes reviews encourage me and they help other people find the podcast. If you appreciate the edtech conversations I share, please write your own review on iTunes or Stitcher!


Add your thoughts and feedback for inclusion in the next episode, by downloading the anchor app for free and recording a quick comment. You can then forward this to The Edtech Podcast anchor account or via twitter to @podcastedtech. 


I can help you with your project or business: 

Get in contact with me about bespoke consultancy projects. 


Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles

Visit to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast


Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

University Business (UB) was launched in 2005, and in the past decade has established itself as the leading B2B publication within the UK HE sector. 



Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more and register here:  For more information contact 


Visit to review the latest news and articles


EdTechXEurope is the leading thought leader summit bringing together executive level investors, innovators and industry influencers from European and international education companies. Now in its fourth year, EdTechXEurope hosted 800+ global attendees and invited over 150 speakers to showcase EdTech innovations and perspectives from around the world. 


The EdTech Exchange is Europe's largest community of EdTech Founders and provides members with mentoring, support and a programme of events designed to share best practice through peer-to-peer learning. The Exchange brings together like-minded EdTech entrepreneurs, encouraging them to exchange ideas, swap war stories, and give and receive advice from their peers. It is solely for Founders of EdTech companies who have raised at least £100,000 of financing or revenue, with many members having raised significantly more. 


The Edtech Podcast supports the mission of WomenEd: #WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level. The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education. 

ASU GSV Summit 2017!  

10% discount for listeners...

With ever increasing expectations from students and staff alike at universities across the UK, the Accelerating Digital Transformation conference will bring together the best digital specialists in the UK to discuss how technology can enhance the student experience. The event will include a day of best practise and knowledge sharing from peers in HE who are experts on the topic, businesses that facilitate the digitalisation process and individuals who have successfully digitalised their own organisations. It will be a great chance to network, get involved and be ahead of the curve.  Website:

Feb 12, 2017

What's in this episode?

This week we have we’re in conversation with everyone from Pearson, The Bookseller, Edtech Exchange, Oxford University Press, Assembly, the Audio Book Publishers Association, Kortext, recorded at ‘Edtech for publishers’ at FutureBook '16, asking questions such as:

  1. What can edtech and publishers offer one another?

  2. Can two distinct business cultures meet in the middle or not?

  3. Is there a short term cost financially to publishers who are embracing edtech?

  4. Outside of content, what are the infrastructure considerations on edtech for publishers across data, and good connectivity

  5. What challenges do the financial squeezes in education and some difficult edtech business models present?


A big thank you to The Bookseller, Future Book and Edtech Exchange who worked on The Edtech for Publishers event together, and if you like this episode you might be tempted to also check out episode 37 on textbooks vs. technology. 

Sample Quotes 

1) Andrew Keen author
'Wake up and understand that finally, you can learn what your
consumer wants'
'Digital and Paper: You cannot do one without the other'
2) Philip Jones editor at the Bookseller
'Lots of startups coming in, lots of opportunities, lots of disturbance in the force. Education publishers are worried that there will be some change down the line that they don't see early enough.'
3) George Burgess, founder of Gojimo and the EdTech Exchange
'Big publishers seek in edtech innovation, outsourcing of
risks, and opportunity to learn from it'
4) Tom Hall. (Former) VP Tech and Digital at Pearson
'It's still a messy industry: pricing, market revenues and getting your content ready are the main issues'
Don't forget to subscribe to The Edtech Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher


Andrew Keen, entrepreneur and author: ; ;

Philip Jones, Editor at The Bookseller: ; ;

George Burgess, founder of Gojimo and the EdTech Exchange: ;


The Edtech Exchange: 

Tom Hall. VP Technology and Digital at Pearson (no longer at Pearson):

Pearson: ;

Imogen Poole. Area sales manager for Africa and the Caribbean Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press:

Kate Worlock, VP & Lead Analyst Outsell: ;

Outsell Inc.:


Caroline Wright, Director General at the British Educational Suppliers Association: ;

Emma Barnes, CEO Bibliocloud & Snowbooks: ; ; ; ;


Joshua Perry Director at Assembly: ; ;

James Gray, CEO, Kortext: ;

Michelle Cobb, Executive Director of the US Audio Publishers Association: ; 

Ali Muirden, Creative content Ltd.: ;

Catherine Allen, Immersive Media specialist, Lyristic: ; ; 

BBC Taster:

John Cromie: ; ;

Futurebook 16:


Announcing Media Partnership with SXSWedu® Conference & Festival

The Edtech Podcast will attend the seventh annual SXSWedu® Conference & Festival in Austin, March 6-9, 2017 to document the passionate and diverse community of education stakeholders brought together across its four days of programming. As part of our media partnership, listeners can access a $50 discount on tickets by going to and entering the code reg-edu-etp_c5173c53f9 at check-out! Shout out @podcastedtech if you're going and use the code :) 


Never miss an episode! Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast via iTunes, TuneIN Radio, Stitcher, Pocket Cast and many more. You can also subscribe to The Edtech Podcast weekly for news, events updates and episode links: Sign up to The EdTech Podcast Weekly  🎧  - Latest Episode Links & News 📢 


Contact to find out more

1000+ listeners from 96 countries each week
3 ad slots per episode
Co-curated takeover episodes
International pop-ups and LIVE podcast recording events
Support independent community building in the edtech space 

Thank you for your podcast reviews!:

'Great podcast, excellent presenter, brilliant guests and lots of takeaways each week.'

Your written iTunes reviews encourage me and they help other people find the podcast. If you appreciate the edtech conversations I share, please write your own review on iTunes or Stitcher!


Add your thoughts and feedback for inclusion in the next episode, by downloading the anchor app for free and recording a quick comment. You can then forward this to The Edtech Podcast anchor account or via twitter to @podcastedtech. 


I can help you with your project or business: 

Get in contact with me about bespoke consultancy projects. 


Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles

Visit to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast


Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

University Business (UB) was launched in 2005, and in the past decade has established itself as the leading B2B publication within the UK HE sector. 



Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more and register here:  For more information contact 


Visit to review the latest news and articles


EdTechXEurope is the leading thought leader summit bringing together executive level investors, innovators and industry influencers from European and international education companies. Now in its fourth year, EdTechXEurope hosted 800+ global attendees and invited over 150 speakers to showcase EdTech innovations and perspectives from around the world. 


The EdTech Exchange is Europe's largest community of EdTech Founders and provides members with mentoring, support and a programme of events designed to share best practice through peer-to-peer learning. The Exchange brings together like-minded EdTech entrepreneurs, encouraging them to exchange ideas, swap war stories, and give and receive advice from their peers. It is solely for Founders of EdTech companies who have raised at least £100,000 of financing or revenue, with many members having raised significantly more. 


The Edtech Podcast supports the mission of WomenEd: #WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level. The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education. 

ASU GSV Summit 2017!  

10% discount for listeners...

With ever increasing expectations from students and staff alike at universities across the UK, the Accelerating Digital Transformation conference will bring together the best digital specialists in the UK to discuss how technology can enhance the student experience. The event will include a day of best practise and knowledge sharing from peers in HE who are experts on the topic, businesses that facilitate the digitalisation process and individuals who have successfully digitalised their own organisations. It will be a great chance to network, get involved and be ahead of the curve.  Website:

Feb 4, 2017
  • Don't forget to Sign up to the newsletter :)
  • Enjoy a $50 discount at SXSWedu® with the code: reg-edu-etp_c5173c53f9 

What's in this episode?

  1. Announcing an official media partnership with the SXSWedu® Conference & Festival
  2. In conversation with Richard Taylor, UK-based angel-investor in c.12 edtech start ups
  3. Recorded at Bett, you’ll hear what Taylor believes are:
    1. The 3 lessons for edtech success
    2. What he thinks of accelerators, distributors and teacher pension schemes
    3. And why he thinks part of our latest obsession with coding is a red herring.

Sample Quotes (@dick_taylor)



  • Investing in early stage start ups is like a horse race. Only the horse race takes seven years and half of them you need to take out and shoot.
  • Sometimes you make money but actually the better lesson is when you lose money.
  • When I first started in education i didn't really care what it was or if it had any impact. If it made money that was all I really cared about.
  • The ones that are more likely to be successful are the ones that have a teacher in the founding team
  • 'When schools buy or use edtech there is a big cost, but also a big opportunity cost.’
  • 'Schools buy million pounds worth of stuff pretty much how the local football club buy sausage rolls for their fundraising night' 

Don't forget to subscribe to The Edtech Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher




Announcing Media Partnership with SXSWedu® Conference & Festival

The Edtech Podcast will attend the seventh annual SXSWedu® Conference & Festival in Austin, March 6-9, 2017 to document the passionate and diverse community of education stakeholders brought together across its four days of programming. As part of our media partnership, listeners can access a $50 discount on tickets by going to and entering the code reg-edu-etp_c5173c53f9 at check-out! Shout out @podcastedtech if you're going and use the code :) 


Never miss an episode! Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast via iTunes, TuneIN Radio, Stitcher, Pocket Cast and many more. You can also subscribe to The Edtech Podcast weekly for news, events updates and episode links: Sign up to The EdTech Podcast Weekly  🎧  - Latest Episode Links & News 📢 


Contact to find out more

1000+ listeners from 96 countries each week
3 ad slots per episode
Co-curated takeover episodes
International pop-ups and LIVE podcast recording events
Support independent community building in the edtech space 

Thank you for your podcast reviews!:

Dave Smith, Chair, NAACE

‘Extremely informative and on the button!'

Your written iTunes reviews encourage me and they help other people find the podcast. If you appreciate the edtech conversations I share, please write your own review on iTunes or Stitcher!


Add your thoughts and feedback for inclusion in the next episode, by downloading the anchor app for free and recording a quick comment. You can then forward this to The Edtech Podcast anchor account or via twitter to @podcastedtech. 


I can help you with your project or business: 

Get in contact with me about bespoke consultancy projects. 


Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles

Visit to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast


Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

University Business (UB) was launched in 2005, and in the past decade has established itself as the leading B2B publication within the UK HE sector. 



Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more and register here:  For more information contact 


Visit to review the latest news and articles


EdTechXEurope is the leading thought leader summit bringing together executive level investors, innovators and industry influencers from European and international education companies. Now in its fourth year, EdTechXEurope hosted 800+ global attendees and invited over 150 speakers to showcase EdTech innovations and perspectives from around the world. 


The EdTech Exchange is Europe's largest community of EdTech Founders and provides members with mentoring, support and a programme of events designed to share best practice through peer-to-peer learning. The Exchange brings together like-minded EdTech entrepreneurs, encouraging them to exchange ideas, swap war stories, and give and receive advice from their peers. It is solely for Founders of EdTech companies who have raised at least £100,000 of financing or revenue, with many members having raised significantly more. 


The Edtech Podcast supports the mission of WomenEd: #WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level. The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education. 

ASU GSV Summit 2017!  

10% discount for listeners...

With ever increasing expectations from students and staff alike at universities across the UK, the Accelerating Digital Transformation conference will bring together the best digital specialists in the UK to discuss how technology can enhance the student experience. The event will include a day of best practise and knowledge sharing from peers in HE who are experts on the topic, businesses that facilitate the digitalisation process and individuals who have successfully digitalised their own organisations. It will be a great chance to network, get involved and be ahead of the curve.  Website:

Jan 29, 2017

Recorded LIVE at Bett 2017 with Sophie Deen, Detective Dot (@detectivedot), Dr Jess Wade, Imperial College (@jesswade), and Jennifer Gratton, Make:Do (@make_do_space)

Sign up to the newsletter: 

What's in this episode?

  1. Resources, funding and inspiration for teachers looking to do more cross curricular work on science and creativity
  2. Career paths for young people looking to engage in science and creativity
  3. Broadening mainstream media depictions or lack of them re: lab technicians, engineers and coders.


Sophie Deen, Detective Dot (@detectivedot)

‘I’m a commitment phone so I hate describing myself as any one thing’

'I was talking to people this week about how amazing it would be if Eastenders got a coder or an engineer.’

‘I think we all need to have training on our unconscious bias’ because we all have them.’

'I don’t get on well with traditional education systems. but all kids and all people love stories.’

Dr Jess Wade, Imperial College (@jesswade)

'Get people working on something that isn’t just blowing people up or playing a computer game.'

'Film industry and gaming. they are really struggling to recruit the right graduates. But you have the lovely investment banks looking to recruit you from day one'

‘All art galleries have an integrated and in depth chemistry centre.’


‘I did an art foundation before starting my physics degree. Being able to think in this creative visual way has definitely helped.’

Jennifer Gratton, Make:Do (@make_do_space)


‘As a D&T teacher I’d have kids turn around to me and say why are we writing this is not an english lesson.’





Charter schools are really taking a stance to make their education more relevant to the communities that they are in

'What can schools do to start making this a reality? Give their teachers more authority. Give them time.'

Don't forget to subscribe to The Edtech Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher


Sophie Deen, Detective Dot (@detectivedot)

Dr Jess Wade, Imperial College (@jesswade)

Jennifer Gratton, Make:Do (@make_do_space)

Women in science and engineering (

Tinkering school (

Project ember (

Lord Bilimoria, Founder of cobra beer, (

Big life fix (

Royal opera house/ballet ( 

Institute of physics (

Justine Greening (

Imogen Heap (

Bjork  (

Code club (

Scratch (

National gallery lab with royal society of chemistry 

Gaver Tully (

SF Brightworks (

Into film (

Double negative (

Marcus du Sautoy (

Sir Ken Robinson (

Project H (

Realm Charter School (

Emily Piloton - Ted Talk 

Primary Engineer 

Royal academy of engineering (



Never miss an episode! Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast via iTunes, TuneIN Radio, Stitcher, Pocket Cast and many more. You can also subscribe to The Edtech Podcast weekly for news, events updates and episode links: Sign up to The EdTech Podcast Weekly  🎧  - Latest Episode Links & News 📢 


Contact to find out more

1000+ listeners from 96 countries each week
3 ad slots per episode
Co-curated takeover episodes
International pop-ups and LIVE podcast recording events
Support independent community building in the edtech space 

Thank you for your podcast reviews!:

Dave Smith, Chair, NAACE

‘Extremely informative and on the button!'

Your written iTunes reviews encourage me and they help other people find the podcast. If you appreciate the edtech conversations I share, please write your own review on iTunes or Stitcher!


Add your thoughts and feedback for inclusion in the next episode, by downloading the anchor app for free and recording a quick comment. You can then forward this to The Edtech Podcast anchor account or via twitter to @podcastedtech. 


I can help you with your project or business: 

Get in contact with me about bespoke consultancy projects. 


Innovate My School is a strategic partner of The EdTech Podcast. Visit to subscribe to the free newsletter for the latest inspirational articles

Visit to sign up for the free fortnightly e-newsletter for the latest news and innovations in EdTech, featuring The Edtech Podcast


Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for BESA members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

Visit for member news and information. 10% discount for NAACE members on podcast sponsorship and ads.

University Business (UB) was launched in 2005, and in the past decade has established itself as the leading B2B publication within the UK HE sector. 



Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more and register here:  For more information contact 


Visit to review the latest news and articles


EdTechXEurope is the leading thought leader summit bringing together executive level investors, innovators and industry influencers from European and international education companies. Now in its fourth year, EdTechXEurope hosted 800+ global attendees and invited over 150 speakers to showcase EdTech innovations and perspectives from around the world. 


The EdTech Exchange is Europe's largest community of EdTech Founders and provides members with mentoring, support and a programme of events designed to share best practice through peer-to-peer learning. The Exchange brings together like-minded EdTech entrepreneurs, encouraging them to exchange ideas, swap war stories, and give and receive advice from their peers. It is solely for Founders of EdTech companies who have raised at least £100,000 of financing or revenue, with many members having raised significantly more. 


The Edtech Podcast supports the mission of WomenEd: #WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level. The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education. 

ASU GSV Summit 2017!  

10% discount for listeners...

With ever increasing expectations from students and staff alike at universities across the UK, the Accelerating Digital Transformation conference will bring together the best digital specialists in the UK to discuss how technology can enhance the student experience. The event will include a day of best practise and knowledge sharing from peers in HE who are experts on the topic, businesses that facilitate the digitalisation process and individuals who have successfully digitalised their own organisations. It will be a great chance to network, get involved and be ahead of the curve.  Website:

Jan 23, 2017

What's in this week's episode?


  1. BYOD vs 1 to 1 initiatives with Surface  
  2. Using technology to do the heavy lifting and save time on resources, feedback and data
  3. Using a flipped approach for staff, students, governors and parents –
  4. Plus more on Leadership, planning and serving your students

Alan Crawford, Vice Principal, Shireland Collegiate Academy

  • Reading about emotional intelligence is something I find really interesting
  • Our whole academy is built on Office 365

Sir Mark Grundy, Headteacher, Shireland Collegiate Academy, @sirmarkgrundy, quotes:

  • We’ve created a system which frees hours and hours and hours of staff time
  • At the risk of putting myself out of favour with the photocopying industry…what most schools do, is photocopy the world. It’s not an economic way of delivering learning.
  • I’m stubborn in that I won’t accept that technology should force our processes to change. We are your best and worst place to pilot anything.
  • What you can’t do is build all sorts of technology benefits on top of chaos.
  • Not enough schools are stubborn around the processes of learning and school improvement and school management.
  • I have a problem with BringYourOwnDevice. It’s just chaos, utter chaos!
  • The depth of scrutiny we now get from our trustees is at a level I’ve never seen
  • I think technology is just such a great lever for support and change and it’s a great leveller
  • I expect the leadership team to serve the staff and the kids. I don’t expect the staff to serve the leadership team.
  • Do our staff feel pressured? Yes they do. Do they feel accountable? Yes they do. Do I think they feel well supported by us? Yes, I think they do.
  • We have pushed our staff to put try and do a more evidence based analysis of what they do
  • My experience in the DFE at the moment is they are genuinely looking at how to do things differently.
  • I was hugely impressed. She spoke about a different landscape. She touched on the sort of skills our young people need. Every conversation has involved how do we harness the power of technology

Attending Bett? Meet Alan Crawford, Vice Principal, and Sir Mark Grundy, Headteacher, both at Shireland Collegiate Academy at Bett 2017. Register here

Don't forget to subscribe to The Edtech Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher

You can also check out more at the Microsoft UK Schools Blog,#TheFeed and Twitter.


Questions for Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the OECD - email me 

Like the FB page here


  • Office MIX/Office 365 for Education 

  • Matt Woodruff Coscole

  • Anoop Gupta

  • David Irish, Associate Principal, Shireland 

  • Teacher Toolkit 

  • Dylan William

  • Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman 


  • Jonathan Bishop, Broadclyst - they are doing amazing stuff with the kids in their school 

  • School 21 in London – AI on revision: School 21 in London has got some cracking stuff around their thematic delivery

  • Mike Parker – Director Schools North East

  • Microsoft Schools – putting in contact with other schools internationally. 

  • Nicky Morgan/EEF - research schools, 


  • Institute of effective education university of York, Nikky Jones (Nicola Jones) 

  • Lord Jim Knight

  • Justine Greening 



Never miss an episode! Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast via iTunes, TuneIN Radio, Stitcher, Pocket Cast and many more. You can also subscribe to The Edtech Podcast weekly for news, events updates and episode links: Sign up to The EdTech Podcast Weekly  🎧  - Latest Episode Links & News 📢 



Contact to find out more

1000+ listeners from 69 countries each week

3 ad slots per episode

Co-curated takeover episodes

International pop-ups and LIVE podcast recording events

Support independent community building in the edtech space 

Thank you for your podcast reviews!:

Dave Smith, Chair, NAACE

‘Extremely informative and on the button!'

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University Business (UB) was launched in 2005, and in the past decade has established itself as the leading B2B publication within the UK HE sector. 



Bett is your annual opportunity to experiment with the latest education technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet your peers from far and wide (as in literally from classrooms around the world).Read more and register here:  For more information contact 



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EdTechXEurope is the leading thought leader summit bringing together executive level investors, innovators and industry influencers from European and international education companies. Now in its fourth year, EdTechXEurope hosted 800+ global attendees and invited over 150 speakers to showcase EdTech innovations and perspectives from around the world. 



The EdTech Exchange is Europe's largest community of EdTech Founders and provides members with mentoring, support and a programme of events designed to share best practice through peer-to-peer learning. The Exchange brings together like-minded EdTech entrepreneurs, encouraging them to exchange ideas, swap war stories, and give and receive advice from their peers. It is solely for Founders of EdTech companies who have raised at least £100,000 of financing or revenue, with many members having raised significantly more. 



The Edtech Podcast supports the mission of WomenEd: #WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level. The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education. 



Get a 10% discount for the Digital Transformation event (H.E), this March: 


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