20% discount on KANO with code EDTECHPODCAST until end October 2016 via https://kano.me/ or education@kano.me
Schools can sign up for Kano Explorer workshops held on Thursday afternoons at Kano HQ
Kano create cross curricula lesson plans and content for teachers. More info at education@kano.me
What's in this episode?
Full length rough cut interview with Michael Luetjen, Computer Sci. & EdTech Lead Learner, Pine Crest School, Florida
We talk about Hurricane Matthew, why computer science is really just the study of logic, and how important it is to put the energy in to engaging staff as well as students. This is the full length Michael Luetjen episode, following on from the #30 KANO takeover which you can listen in to here: http://theedtechpodcast.libsyn.com/30-kano-takeover-creative-computing-in-schools-maker-spaces-and-libraries
References and Shout-Outs:
Michael Luetjen https://twitter.com/Criticalclick
Pine Crest School: https://twitter.com/PineCrestSch
Linux: https://twitter.com/Linux
Python https://twitter.com/ThePSF
Java Script: https://twitter.com/JavaScriptDaily
Coffee Script: https://twitter.com/CoffeeScript
BASIC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASIC
Dana Markham: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dana-markham-010a9045
Minecraft: https://twitter.com/Minecraft
ISTE: https://twitter.com/isteconnects
FETC: https://twitter.com/fetc
iPad Palooza: https://twitter.com/iPadpalooza
Arduino: https://twitter.com/arduino
ICT Evangelist: https://twitter.com/ICTEvangelist
Lightneer: https://twitter.com/LightneerInc
Google Daydream: https://twitter.com/googlevr
Edupassions: https://twitter.com/edupassionscon
Seymour Papert: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seymour_Papert
Randy Zuckerberg: https://twitter.com/randizuckerberg
Check out Kano's Kickstarter video for their new kits
This is how you can make your own Kano Camera:
Sample quotes:
Interview with Michael Luetjen, Computer Sci. & EdTech Lead Learner, Pine Crest School, Florida
‘Pinecrest is absolutely at the forefront of curriculum engagement with the technologies.’
‘When they first went out I got myself a kit and it was like nothing i had ever seen before.’
‘Many people my age that’s what we grew up with…the beige machines.’
‘Computer science is really just the study of logic.’Have a good week!
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