We want YOUR questions for The Edtech Podcast Live Panel
Send them via email at theedtechpodcast@gmail.com or via twitter @podcastedtech including #edtechpod for ICT Evangelist, Easy Peasy (Start-up) and Primary School teacher Tolu Oyenola
What's in this episode?
Intro, what’s in this week’s episode, how to submit questions for The Edtech Podcast Live and more news items
Interview with Digital Sisters (3:00), Allana Gay, Deputy Headteacher, Lea Valley Primary School (14:50), Teacher Toolkit (22:33)
How and why the digital sisters set up their advisory services for online safety, bringing together experience from the corporate and teaching worlds
Advice on issues relating to sexting, cyber bullying, optimising and de-toxifying online profiles
Advice for educators on keeping up with digital world advances, CPD and relating to the concerns your students may have online
Overview of social media platforms you should know about but might not
Why teacher and parent behaviour online must reflect what you are asking of your students
Allana Gay’s journey to senior leader within a primary
Why engagement and investment in STEM, computing and impactful EdTech needs to start at primary
Why word of mouth marketing is still the primary source of buying information for schools
How Teacher Toolkit set up TMLondonBoat and what’s next
Engaging with issues of school leadership, research, pastoral care on TMLondonBoat
The merits of the teach meet method vs the educamp style for engaged CPD
Messages to the UK Education Secretary from Digital Sisters, Allana Gay and Teacher Toolkit
Sample Quotes:
Allana Gay, Deputy Headteacher, Lea Valley Primary School and WomenEd Regional Co-Lead @allanag13
on STEM: ‘There is far too much focus on the later years and not enough on the younger years.’
on COMPUTING: ‘Teachers shy away from the ICT programme. they are intimidated by it.’ ‘If your school doesn’t have someone enthusiastic about it it will become a very static programme.’
‘My reform would be start investing earlier; every school should have two IT suites, every school should have access to iPads and tablets.’
on TECH: ’As leaders, tech is there to simplify things for us. Simple things like having records.’ ‘You need to think about the investment you are making as not every fad will make sense for your school, and not every fad will be accessible by your teachers.’
Digital Sisters @digitalsisters
‘We have a team of people who live and breathe social media; people who we hope will inspire young media to think a bit differently about how they use social media and think more responsibly.’
‘There is a bit of a crisis which is happening at the moment’ ‘We want to bring experience from the corporate world and bring that into the public sector.’
‘A lot of parents and teachers are feeling a bit disempowered as the social media landscape is moving at such speed.’
‘If I say Yik Yak and Omegle to a lot of people they wouldn’t know what I was talking about.’
‘Social media is amazing.’
‘We are always surprised that we go into school and talk about sexting for the first time. It shouldn't be the case.’
‘We tell parents and teachers that they very much have to practice what they preach.’
‘One of the biggest issues that teachers are having is that they are out of their comfort zone.’
‘Our advice is to get familiar with the apps and CPD around them.’
Teacher Toolkit @TeacherToolkit
‘We’re on a boat bobbing along to canary wharf’
‘It’s nice because anyone can talk.’ ‘We can all take part in the debate.’ ‘I’m exploring ideas’
With your TM models there is a danger you have the same brave faces presenting.’ ‘The teach meet model is great.’
What’s next? ‘We are thinking about a tube.’
Message for UK Ed Secretary: ‘We just want a bit of stability, listen to teachers on the front line, give us a chance to breathe.’
‘We cant get off until the boat stops.’
Resources and further reading:
Digital Sisters
Coca Cola Barclays Microsoft
Allana Gay
Teacher Toolkit