What’s featured in this episode?
MFL, Langchat, Modern Foreign Languages, ELT, English Language Teaching, Edtech, UKedchat, SLTchat, LTEhe, PodcastEdu, Podchat, MFLTwitterati
Reading and resources:
Joe Dale resources:
Feedly (Joe’s preferred replacement when Google Reader was shut down )
Recommended Education Podcasts/contacts:
EDUtalk David Noble (@parslad) & John Johnston (@johnjohnston) ; http://www.edutalk.info/show/
Andy White, Brighton -podcasting help
Claire Chalcraft @CMCinSwitz
MFL Events:
Language World: @ALL4language
National Languages Conference in Australia AFMLTA
IATEFL conference @iatefl
NZALT - new zealand @_NZALT
ACTFL - USA @actfl
Language Practice:
Duolingo - (ps. you the ‘shit duo lingo says’ twitter account is fairly amusing/philisophical @shitduosays)
ELT Jam @jo_Sayers
App Smashing:
SAMR model by Dr. Ruben Puentedura (34:37)
Primary French Project
Association for Language Learning
Catherine Cheater
French Institute
Network for Languages