What's in this episode?
In this episode, we seek to explore how the student experience is being created and supported in 2020 at our Higher Education institutions. In conversation with leaders and students from across EMEA and the U.S, we ask;
- How is the University experience stacking up vs. student expectations?
- How are Universities adapting to support careers readiness in 2020?
- How are students co-creating the student experience they want to see?
- And, What can Universities do more of?
You can follow the conversation using #EdtechEdge and #edtechpod.
- Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast | Twitter: @podcastedtech
- Kate Daubney, Head of King’s Careers & Employability and soon to be the new Director of The Careers Group, University of London | Twitter: @careerampersand
- Victoria Wade, Head of College Careers Service - Education Consultancy, The Careers Group, across the University of London | Twitter: @CareersGroup
- Navneet Johal, Director, Industry Solutions, Higher Education, Salesforce.Org | Twitter: @NavneetJohal1
- Rex Béchu, ESCP Paris master's student, Business. University of Sheffield, Politics and IR Graduate (1st). Former Chair of the Student Advisory Group for the UK Council for International Student Affairs | Twitter: @rexbechu
- Nebu George, Chair, Student Advisory Group for the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) and PhD Researcher in Geochemical Archaeology at Bangor University, Wales | Twitter: @ArchaeoGeorge
- Farshida Zafar, Director, ErasmusX at Erasmus University Rotterdam | Twitter: @erasmusuni
- Carla Aerts, EdTech and Learning Science versatilist and EdTech thought leader. Also the founder of Refracted! | Twitter: @underthebanyan
Show Notes and References
Check out https://theedtechpodcast.com/edtechpodcast for the full show notes
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