This week’s episode shares the work of edtech demonstrator schools and colleges in England. The EdTech Demonstrator Programme is a network of schools and colleges across England who exhibit effective practice in the use of technology. The Demonstrator Schools and Colleges involved in the programme provide professional development and support, focusing initially on supporting the effective delivery of remote teaching practices to schools and colleges across the country.
In this episode, guided by Kriss Baird, London Regional Lead - Dfe EdTech Demonstrators Programme, you’ll hear about
• Ideas to support senior leaders and educators as schools manage social distancing in the school or college learning context.
• Consolidating online support for those students unable to return to schools and colleges
• Building on progress made with remote learning
• And, Ensuring the momentum for strategic change in the use of technology is maintained in the autumn term and beyond
Plus, Dr. Vicki Cameron, Chief Education Officer, PeopleBench, on our guest blog...
Show Notes and References
Check out for the full show notes.
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