What's in this episode?
- Introducing Jisc as the digital arm of the higher, further and research sectors
- Jisc’s aim of the UK being the most advanced teaching and research education in the world
- An overview of the 600GB Jisc back bone ‘Janet’ and international wifi network EDUROAM
- Jisc’s collaborations with the British museum, Science museum, UCAS, and the Royal college of arts
- Jisc’s interoperability with the European network GÉANT and other NRENs
- Jisc’s work in Sweden, and further international aspirations
- Learner analytics - what does it mean for university staff &students
- How well placed is the UK in learner analytics, open access and improving learner outcomes through EdTech vs. US & Australia?
- Methods to ‘join the dots’ in best practice for EdTech in higher education
- Innovation in further and higher education in the areas of learning spaces, online learning & flipped classrooms
- Edtech innovation across K-12, further and higher education; where are most opportunities being created?
- What was it like to graduate in 1981? What do universities look like in 2050?
- Balancing procurement efficiencies vs. specific institutional needs
- Why Jisc is ‘not, and never will be, a MOOCS provider’
- Working with content providers and publishers on digital learning - challenges and opportunities. What is the correct pace of change?
- Find out more about Jisc’s project to map learner journeys and ‘build this enormous, and unique, and quite fantastic, warehouse of UK learning’ by collecting anonymised student data across 85 universities
Sample quotations:
ON Janet: ‘you can connect to it everywhere in the world.’
ON INTERNATIONAL INTEREST: ‘we do a lot internationally and we’d like to do an awful lot more’
ON OPEN ACCESS: ‘In open access the UK is probably there in the lead.’
ON EDTECH IN FE AND HE: ’Using Edtech in Further and Higher Education; the UK has a long way to go.’
ON JOINING BEST PRACTICE: ‘‘There is a lot of great practice individually in the UK, but nationally theres more we can do.’
ON LEARNER SPACES: ‘‘What’s the best practice in learning spaces.’? ‘How do you bring people in virtually into your classrooms.’?
Date for your diary this week!
Free UKTI webinar on UK EdTech Exporting. I'm speaking and you can register here:
Further Reading:
Jisc: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/ https://twitter.com/Jisc
Janet: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/janet
EDUROAM: https://www.eduroam.org/
JISC COLLECTIONS: https://www.jisc-collections.ac.uk/Support/Jisc-Banding/Affiliate-member-bands/Museum-libraries-/
GÉANT: http://www.geant.org/
NRENs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_research_and_education_network
Send your comments, questions, feedback to @podcastedtech theedtechpodcast@gmail.com
Thanks & see you next time!