
The Edtech Podcast

The mission of The Edtech Podcast is to improve the dialogue between ‘ed’ and ‘tech’ through storytelling, for better innovation and impact. Hosted by Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner-Centred Design at UCL and Founder and CEO of EDUCATE Ventures Research, using AI to measure the unmeasurable in education. The Edtech Podcast audience consists of education leaders from around the world, plus startups, learning and development specialists, bluechips, investors, Government and media. The Edtech Podcast is downloaded 2000+ each week from 145 countries in total, with UK, US & Australia the top 3 downloading countries. Podcast series have included Future Tech for Education, Education 4.0, and The Voctech Podcast, Learning Continued, Evidence-Based EdTech, and the upcoming AI in Ed: Our Data-Driven Future series on AI. Send your qs and comments to @PodcastEdtech, @knowlgdillusion,,, or,, or leave a voicemail for the show at
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Mar 20, 2018

Welcome to this ninth episode of the The Future Tech for Education Series on The Edtech Podcast, supported by Pearson

What's in this episode?

With technology, teachers actually sometimes see less student work than they do with a traditional worksheet. How can resources developers best communicate about students' work to teachers? What instructional decisions do teachers make for which it is helpful to have data to answer? Are data points useful beyond intervention alone? What do teachers actually seek from data and how it is presented, without adding to existing workload? What latest design methods of communicating information can be used to feedback student performance to teachers whilst maintaining the agency of all stakeholders? Is the data-dashboard here to stay? Or, is there another way?


  • Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast
  • Dr. Kristen DiCerbo, Vice-President of Education Research at Pearson
  • Ross Morrison McGill, AKA TeacherToolkit, Former Deputy Headteacher and Teacher
  • Samantha Ahern, Learning Technology Project Officer, Information Services Division, UCL and Former Teacher
  • Jeff Dieffenbach, Associate Director of the MIT Integrated Learning Initiative

Show Notes and References  

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Tell us your story

We’d love to hear about innovative technology or approaches you are developing or using in education. Leave your stories in the comments below. Alternately, record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Finally, you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech @kristendicerbo via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page.

The Pearson Future Tech for Education Series is produced by The Edtech Podcast and supported by Pearson Education. If you're interested in the themes that come out of the series, check out more ideas in the "open series" here.

Mar 15, 2018

This episode was recorded at Bett 2018. Big thanks to Edvinca for sponsoring this episode! 

What's in this episode?

The theme of this week’s episode is Going International and brings together contributors from 

  • The UK Department for International Trade, China team 
  • The India Didactics Association
  • The Council of British International Schools 
  • Swedish Edtech Industry

You’ll hear variously about educational systems in different countries, but also the schemes looking to support learners, educational institutions and edtech companies domestic and incoming. 


  • Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast | Twitter: @podcastedtech
  • Ash Kaluarachchi, NY Edtech Week | Twitter: @startedaccel
  • Danny Pan, Head of Education Technology and Higher Education, Department for International Trade. China| Twitter: @tradegovuk
  • Aditya Gupta - CEO - India Didactics Association | Twitter: @indiadidac
  • Henning SÄLL, Associate, UK & Ireland, Business Sweden – The Swedish Trade & Invest Council| Twitter: @BusinessSweden
  • Peter Martinsson, Chairman, Swedish Edtech Industry

Show Notes and References  

Checkout for the full show notes 

Tell us your story

We'd love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.


The Edtech Podcast Festival!!! >>> 

Mar 4, 2018

This week we welcome our first guest episode which is being released as part of National Apprenticeship Week! Thank you to James Bridgman for taking up the challenge!

What's in this episode?

This week's podcast talks about how work and career prospects have changed over the last 10 years, delving into appropriate skills development, the views of educators and employers, and various tech and strategic solutions. This episode also looks at how edtech is being used to "supercharge" Apprenticeships, fast-track skills development and anticipate future demand.


  • James Bridgman, Director of GetMyFirstJob
  • David Allison, CEO and Founder of GetMyFirstJob.
  • Liz Williams, Director Tech Literacy and Education Programmes, BT Group
  • Justin Rix, Partner, Grant Thornton LLP
  • Anthony Impey, CEO of Optimity and Chair of Federation of Small Business Skills Policy Board
  • Kerensa Jennings, who runs The Duke of York Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award and the iDEA digital skills platform
  • Joysy John, Head of Education at Nesta
  • Rob Newry, Founder of Arctic Shores, an EdTech startup creating game-based psychometric testing
  • Rob Williams, Founder of People-Fit, a digital platform that assesses 'employment fit' for candidates and potential employers
  • Jonathan Finkelstein, Founder of Credly, a digital skills badging system widely used across the US and UK

Show Notes and References  

Checkout for the full show notes 

Tell us your story

We'd love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.

My Story

I’ve just released details of my fundraiser for Homerton Hospital. I’ll be cycling 720km from coast to coast across France using the so-called Pyrenean Raid route in May. That means multiple Tour de France climbs with no stomach muscles to my name. 

If that sounds like a challenge you'd like to support you can text NELL47 then the amount - say £10 or £1000 pounds (!) - to 70070. It’s all for an amazing cause and to support Homerton Hospital’s maternity team and neurological, paediatric and child health research. More here

Feb 21, 2018

This episode was recorded at Bett 2018

Big thanks to Cool Initiatives for sponsoring this week's episode! Find out how you can access up to £10,000 by putting forward a project that helps schools operate more efficiently and drives new ways of teaching and learning by checking out their website and applying before end Feb '18

A big shout out also to SXSWEDU. If you haven't registered already you can do so here.

What's in this episode?

Investment, procurement and innovation are the themes of this week’s podcast episode - the first of many recorded at Bett 2018. Find out more about Cool Initiatives, IMAILE and Edvinca. What investment is available? How are buyers groups influencing what edtech is developed? How can you access £10k of cash for your education idea? What companies are Edvinca looking to support and why?


Show Notes and References  

Checkout for the full show notes 

Tell us your story

We'd love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.

My story - 

I’ve just released details of my fundraiser for Homerton Hospital. I’ll be cycling 720km from coast to coast across France using the so-called Pyrenean Raid route in May. That means multiple Tour de France climbs with no stomach muscles to my name. 

If that sounds like a challenge you'd like to support you can text NELL47 then the amount - say £10 or £1000 pounds (!) - to 70070. It’s all for an amazing cause and to support Homerton Hospital’s maternity team and neurological, paediatric and child health research. More here

Feb 15, 2018

What's in this episode?

This week we are in takeover mode with Lego Education exploring the maker movement with educators from pre-school to University. Listen to these recordings taken at the atmospheric Institute of Imagination in Lambeth, London during Bett week 2018. We delve into what “maker” means, how it can go wrong and go right, and what happens when you try and light up a multi-story building in a maker experiment on live television. You’ll hear from MakerClub, Tufts University, Imperial College London’s Innovation Room, GeekMum and Happy Hours Pre-School. Plus hear from Lego Education on their recent maker launch and how you can tap into their resources or enter their teacher prize.



  • Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast | Twitter: @podcastedtech
  • Kate Mulcahy, Imperial College Reachout Makerspace Coordinator Twitter: @mulcahkk
  • Karen Walsh, Geek Mum & Hartford University Lecturer Twitter: @kvonhard 
  • Ethan Danahy, Research Assistant Professor in Educational Technology at Tufts University Twitter: @edanahy
  • Kate Cramer, Manager of Happy Hours Pre School | 
  • Mia Chapman, Head of Education, MakerClub Twitter: @itsmiastweets


We'd love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.

Discover the new LEGO Education Maker activities plus ideas for how to start a makerspace today at

Feb 6, 2018

Big thanks to Cool Initiatives for sponsoring this week's episode! Find out how you can access up to £10,000 by putting forward a  project that helps schools operate more efficiently and drives new ways of teaching and learning by checking out their website and applying before end Feb '18

What's in this episode?

This week we are throwing back to a WomenEd event in November where we discussed the importance of female digital leadership both within the education and edtech sector alike. You'll hear about 

WomenEd_Tech - the spin off handle from grassroots movement WomenEd focusing on digital leadership
EdtechWomenUK - the UK and London chapter of the international Edtech Women movement out of SXSWedu and Austin
Nevertheless - the podcast series focused on resurfacing stories in amazing female leadership in education innovation and technology in the past and present day

You'll also hear a live discussion looking at:

a) Why digital leadership is important for female leaders (all leaders!) within schools
b) Why we think more female involvement in edtech funding, design and development is important for edtech being developed for schools


  • Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast | Twitter: @podcastedtech 
  • Nicole Ponsford, Digital Leader of WomenEd and Leader of WomenEdTech | Twitter: @NicolePonsford
  • Houtan Froushan, Director, Cool Initiatives | Twitter: @CoolInitiatives
  • Hannah Wilson, CEO, Aureus School; Co-Founder, WomenED | Twitter: @TheHopefulHT
  • Priya Lakhani OBE, Founder & CEO, Century Tech | Twitter:  @priyalakhani
  • Kirsty Tonks, Principal Designate at Shireland Technology Primary School | Twitter: @KirstyTonksSCA
  • Mandeep Atwal, UK Education Manager, Microsoft | Twitter:  @mandeepKatwal
  • Sarah Profit,  Tute Education Limited | Twitter: @sarahprofit1

Show Notes and References  

Checkout for the full show notes 

Tell us your story

We'd love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.

Feb 5, 2018

Welcome to this eighth episode of the The Future Tech for Education Series on The Edtech Podcast, supported by Pearson

What's in this episode?

What initiatives are supporting teachers and students to co-create games together? Hear from educators, gaming companies, and researchers on the evolution of games-based learning from content to creation.


  • Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast
  • Dr. Kristen DiCerbo, Vice-President of Education Research, Pearson
  • Dave Chilver, formerly of Lowestoft Sixth Form College 
  • Steve Isaacs, an ISTE outstanding teacher, blogger and lead digital innovator
  • Jessica Lindl, Global Head of Education, Unity 

Show Notes and References  

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Tell us your story

We’d love to hear about innovative technology or approaches you are developing or using in education. Leave your stories in the comments below. Alternately, record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Finally, you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech @kristendicerbo via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page.

The Pearson Future Tech for Education Series is produced by The Edtech Podcast and supported by Pearson Education. If you're interested in the themes that come out of the series, check out more ideas in the "open series" here.

Jan 28, 2018

Welcome to this seventh episode of the The Future Tech for Education Series on The Edtech Podcast, supported by Pearson

What's in this episode?

What is personalized learning? What is it not? Is there an evidence base yet for personalised learning and what does the research evidence show us about the contexts where personalized learning works best? What is the role of student, software and teacher in a personalised learning context? What questions should we be asking?


  • Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast
  • Dr. Kristen DiCerbo, Vice-President of Education Research, Pearson
  • Richard Fulford, Head of Science, The Latymer School, UK

Show Notes and References  

Checkout and 

Tell us your story

We’d love to hear about innovative technology or approaches you are developing or using in education. Leave your stories in the comments below. Alternately, record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Finally, you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech @kristendicerbo via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page.

The Pearson Future Tech for Education Series is produced by The Edtech Podcast and supported by Pearson Education. If you're interested in the themes that come out of the series, check out more ideas in the "open series" here.

Jan 20, 2018

Welcome to this sixth episode of the The Future Tech for Education Series on The Edtech Podcast, supported by Pearson

What's in this episode?

How do we get beyond the tick-box or bubble filling exercise of exams and tests, whilst also measuring 'progress'? We delve into ideas around 'invisible assessment' and question who benefits from ‘traditional’ and re-imagined forms of assessment, including games-based assessment. Can ‘tests’ be fun and should they be? How do we measure collaboration?


  • Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast
  • Dr. Kristen DiCerbo, Vice-President of Education Research, Pearson
  • Dr. Valerie Shute, Mack and Effie Campbell Tyner Endowed Professor of Education in the Educational Psychology and Learning Systems department, Florida State University
  • Alina von Davier, Researcher, ACTNext
  • Prof. Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner Centred Design, IOE - Culture, Communication & Media, UCL Institute of Education

Show Notes and References  

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Tell us your story

We’d love to hear about innovative technology or approaches you are developing or using in education. Leave your stories in the comments below. Alternately, record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Finally, you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech @kristendicerbo via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page.

The Pearson Future Tech for Education Series is produced by The Edtech Podcast and supported by Pearson Education. If you're interested in the themes that come out of the series, check out more ideas in the "open series" here.

Jan 14, 2018

Welcome to this fifth episode of the Pearson Future Tech for Education Series on The Edtech Podcast

What's in this episode?

We dip into the world of VR and mixed reality to uncover what high-cost, high-risk learning opportunities are being made more accessible to all by this technology. How are academics measuring the learning outcomes of VR and simulation and what are the quantifiable cost savings and impacts for various learning and training environments? When is VR right for education, and when is it superfluous? We also end our first five episodes with practical suggestions for educators: mindful skepticism, resist fear, understand that you can start small and grow, and avoid technology for technology's sake. This last one is harder than it sounds - many new technologies wow us but do not have useful application to education.


Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast 
Denis Hurley is the Director of Future Technologies at Pearson
Jo Webb, Head of Immersive Learning Design and Development, Pearson
Sharon Decker, RN, PhD, ANEF, FAAN, Quality Enhancement Plan Director, Professor and Director of the F. Marie Hall SimLife Center, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Karolina Ochwat, Secondary Science Teacher, The British International School Shanghai

Show Notes and References  

Checkout and 

Tell us your story

We’d love to hear about innovative technology or approaches you are developing or using in education. Leave your stories in the comments below. Alternately, record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Finally, you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech @denishurley or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page.

The Pearson Future Tech for Education Series is produced by The Edtech Podcast and supported by Pearson Education. If you're interested in the themes that come out of the series, check out more ideas in the "open series" here.

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