20% discount on KANO with code EDTECHPODCAST until end October 2016 via https://kano.me/ or education@kano.me
Schools can sign up for Kano Explorer workshops held on Thursday afternoons at Kano HQ
Kano create cross curricula lesson plans and content for teachers. More info at education@kano.me
What's in this episode?
Full length rough cut interview with Joanna Bersin, Head of Education, KANO
We talk about Joanna's previous 8 years in education innovation, bringing 'tough young teacher's' Oliver Beach onto the Kano education team, working with the Connect Home initiative in the US to help support internet access and coding for lower income families, and how educators can use Kano resources, clubs and other ways to connect. This is the full length Joanna Bersin episode, following on from the #30 KANO takeover which you can listen in to here: http://theedtechpodcast.libsyn.com/30-kano-takeover-creative-computing-in-schools-maker-spaces-and-libraries
References and Shout-Outs:
Connect Home https://twitter.com/ConnectHome
Girls Who Code https://twitter.com/GirlsWhoCode
Git Hub https://twitter.com/GitHubCommunity
Everyone On https://twitter.com/Everyone_On
Best Buy https://twitter.com/BestBuy
Salvation Army https://twitter.com/SalvationArmyUS
Boys and Girls Club http://www.bgca.org/Pages/index.aspx
Their World https://twitter.com/theirworld
Kings college, Aspires Report http://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/departments/education/research/aspires/research.aspx
Kickstarter https://twitter.com/kickstarter
Computer Science Teaching Association https://www.csteachers.org/
Edtech Europe https://twitter.com/EdTechEurope
Playstation https://twitter.com/PlayStation
oliver beach https://twitter.com/olivermbeach
teach first https://twitter.com/TeachFirst
Raspberry Pi https://twitter.com/Raspberry_Pi
Amana Academy http://www.amanaacademy.org/
the simpsons https://twitter.com/TheSimpsons
Edtech Summit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edtech-uk-global-summit-tickets-27655418100
Bett https://twitter.com/Bett_show
Expeditionary Learning Detroit http://eleducation.org/calendar/el-education-national-conference-2016
ISTE: https://twitter.com/isteconnects
SXSWedu: https://twitter.com/SXSWedu
Joe Fatheree https://twitter.com/josephfatheree
NNSTOY https://twitter.com/NNSTOY
Global Teacher Prize https://twitter.com/TeacherPrize
Sugata Mitra - https://twitter.com/Sugatam
Sir Ken Robinson - https://twitter.com/SirKenRobinson
TED talks https://twitter.com/TEDTalks
Kahoot https://twitter.com/GetKahoot
Geek Squad Academy https://twitter.com/GeekSquad
Check out Kano's Kickstarter video for their new kits
This is how you can make your own Kano Camera:
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