20% discount on KANO with code EDTECHPODCAST until end October 2016 via https://kano.me/ or education@kano.me
Schools can sign up for Kano Explorer workshops held on Thursday afternoons at Kano HQ
Kano create cross curricula lesson plans and content for teachers. More info at education@kano.me
What's in this episode?
Interview with Joanna Bersin, Head of Education, KANO (5:46 > 19:20)
Interview with Sam Patterson, Puppet Master & Makerspace Coordinator, Echo Horizon School, San Francisco (19:30 > 25:00)
Interview with Michael Luetjen, Computer Sci. & EdTech Lead Learner, Pine Crest School, Florida (25:00 > 34:30)
Interview with Cory Roush, Literacy Specialist at Muskingum County Library System, Ohio (34:33 > 42:00)
Student engagement and learning
Empowering students and improving learner confidence
How can teachers be best supported to deliver coding and cross-curricular programmes?
Setting up maker space environments and supporting collaborative student work
How to connect with the KANO education team for free resources, Google hangouts, and after-school clubs
What is KANO code?
KANO’s involvement in the Connect Home initiative
Check out the full individual episodes available on The Edtech Podcast for recommended reads and educator career stories
Check out Kano's Kickstarter video for their new kits
This is how you can make your own Kano Camera:
Sample quotes:
Interview with Joanna Bersin, Head of Education, KANO (5:46 > 19:20)
‘It’s the creative computing company’
‘The first interaction with all of our products is building them yourselves and getting that sense of empowerment.’
‘I really saw the power of that blend between face to face interaction and online.’
(What drew you to Kano?) ‘The things that engaged young people’ ‘I was an early fan from the first Kickstarter’
Interview with Sam Patterson, Puppet Master & Makerspace Coordinator, Echo Horizon School, San Francisco (19:30 > 25:00)
‘I came to maker space teaching through English. I call myself a recovering English teacher.’
‘Kids will enthusiastically respond to things they are actually interested and as the maker space teacher i can get them interested in things.’
‘If you want to figure out how to do that difficult thing you’re going to need to READ the instructions.’
‘Everything we are doing in that space essential hinges on the central literacy activities of reading and writing.’
‘The more tech that becomes available the more opportunity that teachers have to create choice.’
Interview with Michael Luetjen, Computer Sci. & EdTech Lead Learner, Pine Crest School, Florida (25:00 > 34:30)
‘Pinecrest is absolutely at the forefront of curriculum engagement with the technologies.’
‘When they first went out I got myself a kit and it was like nothing i had ever seen before.’
‘Many people my age that’s what we grew up with…the beige machines.’
‘Computer science is really just the study of logic.’
Interview with Cory Roush, Literacy Specialist at Muskingum County Library System, Ohio (34:33 > 42:00)
‘Libraries are trying to figure out, so what is our role?’
‘In a society where we are very much focused on standardised testing…I really do find that the most beneficial learning is the type that you seek out for yourself.’
‘The figurehead for the workshop became Ada Lovelace.’
‘The instruction manual is a work of ART.’
Kano @TeamKano https://kano.me/ education@kano.me
Check out Kano's Kickstarter video for their new kits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAlsEZEcSis
This is how you can make your own Kano Camera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY4ttOVxmKk
Joanna Bersin @JoannaBersin
Connect Home initiative: http://blog.kano.me/back-to-school-with-kano/
Kano World: https://world.kano.me/
Sam Patterson @SamPatue #PATUE
Echo Horizon School: http://www.echohorizon.org/
John Dewey: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dewey
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/newspoet67
Google Docs https://twitter.com/googledocs #GoogleEdu
Raspberry Pi https://twitter.com/Raspberry_Pi
Python https://twitter.com/ThePSF
Kaizena https://twitter.com/KaizenaHQ
Teachercast https://twitter.com/TeacherCast
Josh Burker https://twitter.com/joshburker
Matt Buchanan https://twitter.com/OrangeSliceEDU
Michael Luetjen https://twitter.com/Criticalclick
Pine Crest School: https://twitter.com/PineCrestSch
Linux: https://twitter.com/Linux
Python https://twitter.com/ThePSF
Java Script: https://twitter.com/JavaScriptDaily
Coffee Script: https://twitter.com/CoffeeScript
BASIC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASIC
Dana Markham: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dana-markham-010a9045
Minecraft: https://twitter.com/Minecraft
ISTE: https://twitter.com/isteconnects
FETC: https://twitter.com/fetc
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Arduino: https://twitter.com/arduino
ICT Evangelist: https://twitter.com/ICTEvangelist
Lightneer: https://twitter.com/LightneerInc
Google Daydream: https://twitter.com/googlevr
Edupassions: https://twitter.com/edupassionscon
Seymour Papert: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seymour_Papert
Randy Zuckerberg: https://twitter.com/randizuckerberg
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Welcome to Bett as the latest Media Partner of The Edtech Podcast: http://www.bettshow.com
Cory Roush https://twitter.com/coryroush
Muskingham Library System: http://muskingumlibrary.org/
Cory Kano Workshop page http://www.linkedforliteracy.org/kano-info
SXSWedu: https://twitter.com/SXSWedu
Kano: https://twitter.com/TeamKano
Ada Lovelace: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace
Minecraft: https://twitter.com/Minecraft
ISTE: https://twitter.com/isteconnects
Sphero: https://twitter.com/Sphero
American Library Association: https://twitter.com/ALALibrary
Little Bits: https://twitter.com/littleBits
Pasi Sahlberg: https://twitter.com/pasi_sahlberg
Lightneer: https://twitter.com/LightneerInc
Educreators: https://twitter.com/educreators
Seth Godin: https://twitter.com/ThisIsSethsBlog
Jane McGonigal: https://twitter.com/avantgame
Chris Guillebeau: https://twitter.com/chrisguillebeau
Joanna Bersin, Head of Education, KANO
Connect Home https://twitter.com/ConnectHome
Girls Who Code https://twitter.com/GirlsWhoCode
Git Hub https://twitter.com/GitHubCommunity
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Boys and Girls Club http://www.bgca.org/Pages/index.aspx
Their World https://twitter.com/theirworld
Kings college, Aspires Report http://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/departments/education/research/aspires/research.aspx
Kickstarter https://twitter.com/kickstarter
Computer Science Teaching Association https://www.csteachers.org/
Edtech Europe https://twitter.com/EdTechEurope
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teach first https://twitter.com/TeachFirst
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Amana Academy http://www.amanaacademy.org/
the simpsons https://twitter.com/TheSimpsons
Edtech Summit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edtech-uk-global-summit-tickets-27655418100
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Expeditionary Learning Detroit http://eleducation.org/calendar/el-education-national-conference-2016
ISTE: https://twitter.com/isteconnects
SXSWedu: https://twitter.com/SXSWedu
Joe Fatheree https://twitter.com/josephfatheree
NNSTOY https://twitter.com/NNSTOY
Global Teacher Prize https://twitter.com/TeacherPrize
Sugata Mitra - https://twitter.com/Sugatam
Sir Ken Robinson - https://twitter.com/SirKenRobinson
TED talks https://twitter.com/TEDTalks
Kahoot https://twitter.com/GetKahoot
Geek Squad Academy https://twitter.com/GeekSquad
Have a good week!
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