On efficacy, personalised learning, AI and a new EdTech accelerator
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What's in this episode?
Sample Quotes:
ON PERSONALISED LEARNING: ‘We, as a community of researchers, have not been good at recording some of the very valuable contextual data.’
‘I think it’s potentially really exciting what we could do with learning analytics; i don’t think its exciting at the moment in the main.’
‘A lot of things described as learner analytics are data analytics’
ON DATA: ‘People are a little bit rabbit in the headlines at the moment.’
ON EU: ’We get a significant percentage of our funding from the european union.’
‘We want to work with our European Colleagues as we have a long history of working with them.’
‘We have to think about it very carefully. It is a worry.’
‘I think there are some problems with people’s perceptions of what robotics might do.’
‘I think the future will be one where we work alongside artificially intelligent partners.’
Links and further reading:
Subscribe to The Edtech Podcast Weekly: http://eepurl.com/cgjMkX #EDTECHPOD
Connect with Dr Rose Luckin: https://iris.ucl.ac.uk/iris/browse/profile?upi=RLUCK37
McGraw-Hill Education http://www.mheducation.co.uk/
David Levin: https://www.mheducation.com/about/david-levin
Edtech X: http://edtechxeurope.com/
Bett: http://www.bettshow.com/
TES: https://www.tes.com/news/school-news/academies-news/burnt-out-get-some-artificial-intelligence
NESTA, Decoded Learning: http://www.nesta.org.uk/publications/decoding-learning
Audrey Waters: https://medium.com/enabling-connected-learning/accountability-calling-education-to-a-count-6ac173b44194#.ctc8xv4yc
Singularity: http://singularityu.org/bio/ray-kurzweil/
Lewis Johnson, Alelo: https://www.alelo.com/about-us/
Aaron Sloman, Sussex Uni AI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Sloman
Emerge Education Open Day 27th Sept https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/accelerator-open-day-tickets-27538533495
Welcome to sponsors
ELTjam http://eltjam.com/welcome/
ClearlySo https://www.clearlyso.com/
Firefly Learning, fireflylearning.com
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1. JOIN IN A #BETTCHAT AT 4.30PM UK TIME TUE 27TH on personalised learning
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