On EdTech exporting opportunity
What's in this episode?
Audio recording of The Department for International Trade webinar on exporting opportunities for EdTech
Featured speakers Tom Sapsted, International Trade Adviser, Department for International Trade (4.00m); Sophie Bailey, The Edtech Podcast (6:00m); Vipul Bhargava, Education Technology and Independent Schools, Department for International Trade (18:00m); Aldo de Pape, Founder, TeachPitch (34:00m)
Overview of 5 main areas of UK Edtech Success - STEM & Coding, Online Learning & Tutoring, Educator Focused Services, Student Focused Services and Literacy & Creativity
Areas which need innovation focus identified through the DfE Workload Challenge survey of 44,000 teachers
Overview of 6 international regions, the Department for International Trade identify as opportunities to create impact through EdTech
Considering the international schools presence in China and the UAE
Case study example of an EdTech company exporting globally - what works, what doesn’t and how to de-risk working with local partners
Information on The Dubai Futures Accelerators programme; Hong Kong’s quality Edu Fund for e-learning; the Education is Great campaign; the WISE accelerator & Silk ventures opportunities
Contextualising China’s huge EdTech spend
Education resources via Alibaba
Sample Quotes:
ON CHINA: ‘EdTech spend in China is bigger than the overall UK education budget.’
ON INVESTMENT: ’Hong Kong has a quality edu fund for e-learning of £157m.’
ON TEACHPITCH: ’We focus on disambiguation of the Internet when it comes to learning material.’
ON THE TEACHPITCH DEV TEAM: ‘We are blessed to have an all female Dev. team’
ON SAVING TEACHERS TIME: ‘The 3 areas identified as priority after surveying 44,000 teachers were marking, planning and resources and data management.’
Further Reading & Resources
Tom Sapsted, International Trade Adviser, Department for International Trade
Sophie Bailey, The Edtech Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-edtech-podcast/id1107282759?mt=2&ls=1 theedtechpodcast@gmail.com
Vipul Bhargava, Education Technology and Independent Schools, Department for International Trade Vipul.Bhargava@mobile.ukti.gov.uk
Aldo de Pape, Founder, TeachPitch
Links to The Dubai Futures Accelerators programme; Hong Kong’s quality Edu Fund for e-learning; the Education is Great campaign; the WISE accelerator & Silk ventures opportunities
TenCent: http://www.tencent.com/en-us/at/abouttencent.shtml
TenCent Education Prize: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/money-wealth/article/1951037/grandmothers-life-lessons-inspire-tencent-co-founder-launch
Alibaba Education Portal: https://www.techinasia.com/alibaba-and-peking-university-launch-chinese-moocs