What’s featured in this episode?
- Where does ICT Evangelist get his stamina from? Shortcuts, Tips and Tricks
- Top 3 books, top 3 apps and top 3 issues for educators
- A window into alter-ego DJ Mark Anderson
- How to share children’s work in an authentic way to raise standards
- What is it to be modern educator?
- How should education and tech evolve to better meet the needs of students?
- A word from zzish.co and edspace.io
- How Mark went from Teachmeet flop to Teachmeet organiser of 30 > 300
- How TPACK applies tech to the Pedagogy Content Knowledge Model
Quotes from this episode:
- ‘Education’s in a bit of a mess at the moment; loads of teachers are looking to get out.’
- ‘I never wanted to get into middle management or senior management, but then i realised i could have an impact on the whole school’
- What should edtech start-ups look like? ‘dead simple, does what it says on the tin and is informed by research.’’
- What is it to be a modern educator? ‘Being open enough to realise you don’t know everything and you can learn new things every single day’
- About fitting everything in: ‘I’m rubbish on paper; i run everything i can electronically.’ ‘It’s not about me doing it all by myself; it’s about using loads of automation.’
- On inspiring teachers: ’Wherever I go in the world it’s always teachers trying to learn new things, and doing stuff to try and better opportunities for kids.’ ‘There are so many inspiring educators whether you are meeting them face to face, or via a hangout or via Skype.’ ‘I’m doing some work in Hong Kong in the summer and I’ve not seen many schools which are so advanced in terms of their knowledge, understanding of of teaching and learning and how that applies in relevant ways.’
- On his experiences growing up/going through education: ‘‘i’m pretty geeky; i had an atari as a kid.’ ‘I decided in my mid-teens I wanted to be a teacher.It really resonated with me that opportunity to have a big impact and a legacy on the world’ ‘Do you have fond memories of school?’ Not so much, really.'
- Loving what you do: ‘if i won the lottery tomorrow i’d still be doing this.’ ‘it does get to me a bit that i get labelled the IT guy.’
- Innovation needed in tech and in teaching: ‘If you could change one thing about technology what would it be? ….Price! The price of these things is phenomenal. I’d love to see the prices come down.’ ‘If I want to change one thing in education it’s more teachers being engaged.’
- The stresses and strains of teaching: ‘It really is tough - the marking load, the pressure.’
Reading and resources:
Pedagogy Content Knowledge Model
Independent Thinking
Discounts for podcast listeners!
- zzish.co
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Thank You’s
Thank you to the many supporters of The Edtech Podcast, including but not limited to, NAACE, ALT_Learning, WomenEd, #LTHEChat, BESA, EdtechXGlobal, GSV ASU and this week’s sponsors.